1-B final exam part 2: Rounds 1-8

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Round 1: Battle Fist and Phantom Thief are rushing to the exit. Battle Fist's quirk is only good for close combat. And Phantom Thief's quirk won't be of much help, even if he does copy Snipe's quirk. But then they nearly got hit by a bullet. Courtesy of Snipe.

Snipe: I won't allow you kids to get past me. Have a taste of my bullets.

Snipe then started shooting bullet after bullet while Battle Fist and Phantom Thief were hiding behind some cover.

Battle Fist: This is bad. We can't even get close to Snipe. How on Earth are we going to win?

Phantom Thief: ...I have a plan. It's stupid, but it just might work.

Battle Fist: Well, what's the plan?

Phantom Thief: Use your quirk and throw me to the exit.

Battle Fist: ...That does sound quite stupid...but it might be our only chance.

Battle Fist then enlarges her right hand, picks up Phantom Thief, and throws him to the exit.

Phantom Thief: CANNONBALL!!!!

Phantom Thief is then sent crashing into the exit like some comic relief character...but at the end of the day, they won.

Snipe: Uh...that was weird.

Let's move to the next round.

Round 2:

Lizardy: So, Black Hole. Any girls catch your eye? *winks*

Black Hole: Oh yeah. But I'll tell you later.

Just then, Hound dog found them.

Hound dog: 'It's like they said. Those two would be too distracted flirting and wouldn't be able to focus.' GRAHHH

Both: Crap! Run!

Black Hole and Lizardy run off but Hound dog can smell their scent thanks to his quirk.

Lizardy: Hey, Black Hole. Any ideas?

Black Hole: Just one. How many pieces can you split up?

Lizardy: 50.

Black Hole: Alright! I suggest you split up into a bunch of different pieces, but they all have to be the same size.

Lizardy: How come?

Black Hole: Simple. They will all have the same scent. This will force Houndog to choose one of the locations there but chances are high that it won't be near me. While this is going on, I'll fly to the exit while Hound dog is on a wild lizard chase.

Lizardy: Wow. Good idea.

Black Hole: Let's do this!

Lizardy then split herself up into 25 different parts as they all went the same way. Hound dog ended up have trouble with all of that. While this was happening, Black Hole was flying incredibly fast thanks to his internship training and made it to the exit. And just like that, Black Hole and Lizardy passed the exam.

Round 3: Vantablack and Rocketti were originally going to flee from Vlad King. Unfortunately, Rocketti was caught by Vlad King's blood control quirk as it became solid around Rocketti, trapping her. But her horns were still free. So she used her rocket horns. Then, Vantablack got an idea and merged with the shadow of the horn. Once he was close enough, Vantablack popped out and caught Vlad King completely off guard. He then cuffed Vlad King while he was in shock, giving the victory to Vantablack and Rocketti.

Round 4: Welder was constantly merging things together so that Emily could use her poltergeist quirk and throw them. Eventually, they reached the real Ectoplasm and Welder merged a bunch of objects together. Emily then used her quirk to fight Ectoplasm with it from a distance. But this was only to distract him as Welder then snuck up on him and placed the cuffs on him, winning the match.

Round 5: Present Mic was relentless with his voice. Luckily, Rule used her quirk on one of Shemage's mushrooms while on top of them and started to use the trees as platforms to avoid Present Mic's shouting. Eventually, they got to Present Mic and Shemage did something that sent a chill down everyone's spine. Even Rule's. She grew a mushroom inside of Present Mic's throat and he was having trouble breathing. And because of that, he could no longer scream. And so Rule and Shemage walked out of there and won.

1-B (-Shemage and Vantablack): 'THAT WAS TERRIFYING!!!'

Vantablack: 'I think I have some issues because I thought that what she did was hot.'

Round 6: Nezu was just having the time of his life with his crane. He was also laughing like a real villain. Especially in a way that makes him a popular character in My Hero Academia.

 Especially in a way that makes him a popular character in My Hero Academia

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Yeah, like that! Anyways...

Gadget Girl wasn't exactly panicking. She made a device to hone in on heat signatures and found where Nezu was. She then told Long Weizi where he was at and they split up. Nezu was incredibly entertained with what he saw. But then the controls were destroyed by Long Weizi and he was then captured.

Round 7: 13 was chasing after Spiral and Vine. But they were nowhere in sight. Then, a bunch of dug up holes appeared around her. Turns out that Spiral made them. Then, Vine used her...Vine...Hair...and they all came out of every hole. 13 was completely overwhelmed and was captured.

Round 8: Midnight knew that Tsuburaba was a bit of a pervert. Not nearly as perverted as a certain grape haired boy who was expelled. But still. But she didn't expect Plamo to use his quirk to keep Midnight from moving. Then, Tsuburaba started rushing towards Midnight as she then used her quirk to knock him out. However, it was just a trick. Tsuburaba then used his Solid Air quirk to trap Midnight in an air prison. And she was already using her quirk. Eventually, she passed out from her own quirk. But it took a while since it works better on guys instead of girls. But at the end of the day, she passed out. Once she did, Tsuburaba released her from the prison and, while holding his breath, cuffed Midnight.

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