Finals Part3:Meta Knightvs.Star Warrior &Mock Matter&Dededevs.Elfilin and Bandee

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It is time for round 12. Star Warrior and Mock Matter are running through the city. There, they find Meta Knight right in front of them. He uses his geokinesis to create rock walls all over the city to prevent anyone from escaping.

Star Warrior: Looks like we have to fight, huh?

Mock Matter: Did you know that- *points at the sword in front of them* SWORD!!

Star Warrior: You know Meta Knight, you're supposed to be a villain.

Meta Knight: There was a couple instances where I was evil. But most of those times, I would still give you a sword. The only time I didn't do that, was when I was turned into a robot, remember?

Star Warrior: Oh yeah. Good point. Fine then! You want a Sword fight? Let's have a sword fight!

Star Warrior then took the sword and became Sword Kirby

Meta Knight then charged at the two. Mock Matter fired a laser at Meta Knight and it hit him. Star Warrior then did a sword spin to which Meta Knight dodged, only to get hit by a burning ball that charged at him.

Mock Matter: Hah! Got em!

Star Warrior then charged at Meta Knight and their blades clashed. Meta Knight then flapped his wings and got to a safe distance.

Meta Knight: Mach Tornado!

Meta Knight the unleashed a giant Mach Tornado that headed right at them.

Luckily, Star Warrior had a plan. His internship at Gran Torino's taught him an easier and more effective way to dodge.

The Mach Tornado was almost there, but Star Warrior made an impressive dodge. He jumped far to the side and landed on his hands and then did it again but with his hands this time.

Meta Knight: Impressive. It appears that you have-

Mock Matter: CANNON BALL!!!!!

Mock Matter then turned into a boulder and slammed into Meta Knight.

Star Warrior: We got you now!

Unfortunately, before Star Warrior could get the cuffs on Meta Knight, he used his geokinesis to launch Mock Matter at him.

Star Warrior: Gah!

They crashed into a building.

Star Warrior: well that didn't work.

Mock Matter: Keep Meta Knight...uh...what's another word for busy?

Star Warrior: Occupied?

Mock Matter: Yes! That! I have a plan!

Star Warrior: Well that's pretty concerning, but we're out of options.

Star Warrior got up and rushed over to Meta Knight. Their blades clashed multiple times and time was almost out. But then, Mock Matter used his capture weapon to tie Meta Knight up. And since Meta Knight's hands weren't free, he could use his sword.

Star Warrior: Great work Mock Matter! This test is over!

Star Warrior then put the handcuffs on Meta Knight. And so, the two have one the match.

Now it's time for the 13th round.

Bandee and Elfilin were planning on escaping. Bandee has a lot of respect for Dedede and believes it to be impossible to win while Elfilin has no idea what Dedede can do so he felt it would be best for them to escape.

Dedede: Where do ya think ya goin' kiddies?

The two looked behind to see Dedede hot on their trails.

Dedede: I'm gonna clobbah you two!

Dedede then started running after Elfilin and Bandee.

Elfilin: Yikes! We gotta go!

Bandee: Right! Hop on!

Elfilin hopped onto Bandee as he charged up his super style. They then rushed off.

Dedede: Those kids think they can get away like that? Pfft! Please!

Dedede then jumped incredibly high and landed on top of one of the buildings.

Dedede: There you are!

He then transformed his hammer into a rocket hammer and launched himself to them. He then landed right in front of them.

Elfilin and Bandee: Aaaahhhh!

Dedede then tried to inhale them. Luckily, Bandee removed the tip of his spear and stuck it in Dedede's mouth.

Bandee: Let's go!

Elfilin: Hai!

Elfilin and Bandee then rush off again. They were nearing the exit. But then a missile hit the building and blocked their path.

Dedede: goin' somewhere?

Elfilin and Bandee: 'Aw crud!'

Bandee: 'Wait! I got it!'

Bandee: Go ahead! Just try and hit us! You couldn't hit sand on the beach!


Bandee: *whispers* Just trust me.

Dedede was fuming.

Dedede: OH I'LL SHOW YOU!!!!

Dedede then started swinging his hammer around and around. But Bandee and Elfilin dodged just in time and avoided getting hit.

The boulder blocking them, wasn't so lucky.

Bandee: Now's our chance Elfilin! Let's go!

And so, while Dedede was dizzy, Bandee and Elfilin escaped. They had won the match.

But now, it's time for the final match: All Might vs. Magolor and Bakugo.

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