Chapter 39

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POV: Charles

Back at the hotel, I ruminate today's events. My unforgivable mistake, Max's harsh words for a mysterious reason, and his silence since then. Should I go talk to him, even though there's the race tomorrow and I need sleep?

My question is soon answered as a hand knocks on my hotel room's door, revealing the Redbull driver behind. I quickly let him come in, carefully closing the door so no one can see us. I wouldn't like rumours now, or ever, actually.

— I'm not going to bother you for too long, I just wanted to apologise, he starts saying, and I signal him to follow me on the little couch of the room to be more comfortable for that talk.

— Oh yeah, what happened, you were... I don't know, distant and rude? I try not to get angry, more lost if anything.

— Something happened, with my father. And hum... Let's say I wasn't happy about something he did, and got really upset. And then this hell of a quali, all the interruptions with the red flags, it was shit really. I'm sorry for how I talked to you earlier.

— Oh alright, are you okay though, you don't have to tell me but he... he didn't do anything to you right?

— My father? Oh no, just threatened my mom without me knowing, so she doesn't come to the races. Yeah, pretty fucked up hm? He adds as my eyes widen in shock. It's over now though, so I'd just like to forget about this and get some rest before the race. By the way, congrats again on pole! Mister "shit lap" hm?

I smile at his praise, giving in and kissing him suddenly.

— I'm much happier with this than a rubber trophy to be fair, I chuckle, referring to the kiss.

We continue making out lazily for a while, both needing that intimacy to relax from today. But when we finally part, Max seems a bit worried.

— About what you said hum... I was a bit curious about how this will change our relationship on track, you know? Cause as much as I Iove you, I will never not be happy to win, even if that means you're second, or last. Of course, I'd prefer that we both succeed but there's only one winner every race, and one champion by year so...

— Yeah, I think I feel the same, I don't think that will be too much of an issue though, we just need to remain professional and uh... sportsmanlike? If that makes sense? As long as we're in different teams I guess it won't be a problem, not like Daniel and you or anything... We won't be as directly in competition you know?

— Yeah... there's a short silence, I mean, I'm kinda sad that Daniel chose to leave, I don't know. Why did you crash by the way, he said changing the subject suddenly, I tried looking at the video but couldn't really understand? If you want to tell me of course, I'm not forcing you to give away Ferrari's secret data ahah!

Embarrassed, I decide to tell him the truth, hoping he'll be able to help me focus on racing. Maybe he has some tips or something?

— Actually you have a role in that-

— Me? He cuts me off in a surprised voice, furrowing his brows.

— I erm... I was worried about why you weren't answering my texts and kinda... lost focus for a second. Rookie mistake, I know, I know, I say, slightly upset that he's smirking.

— What if that was my plan all along, trying to distract my worst enemy in a sneaky way? He continues smiling in my face, making me roll my eyes.

— Come on Max, that could be a problem you know, what if it happened the other way around? You wouldn't be as happy as you're now, right?

— Mhh, I know that it wouldn't. I get your point though, but what exactly do you expect from me?

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