|39| Slipping

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"Heyyyy, work husband." Yolanda greets me as soon as I walk back into work.

While her spunk and middle-aged good looks would've normally made me crack a smile, not today.

"Hi, Yolanda." I reply, stale.

"Oof," she snarls, "attitude. What's wrong with you?"

Knowing I was probably going to ask like I always do, Yolanda pushes her candy jar towards me. Since trying to quit smoking, I have turned to Skittles mostly. Quitting weed isn't that bad but I realized it's the ritual of smoking and the blunt-to-mouth motion that has me hung up.

"Break wasn't long enough." I grumble, snatching my mail off of her desk.

Her long, curled nails tap the keyboard as she does her job.

"Mm," she replies, not looking up at me. "Tell me about it. Oh, Lydia called for you."

"Who?" I snap, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Mrs.Augustin, she called quite a lot, said call her back."

I roll my eyes hard. "I don't want to talk to anybody. Did you cancel that meeting-"

"Done and done. And before you ask: no, Morgan hasn't called or stopped by."

I hang my head. "Thanks."

Yolanda sighs heavily and puts her chin in the palm of her hand. "That's the thing about you white boys, when you love you love hard - be ready kill yaself over a girl."

"I'll kill someone but it won't be myself." I make clear, walking away.

"Well, when you ready to start dating again, you know where to find me."

"That's workplace harassment, Aunt Yolanda." Calvin comes out of no where, reprimanding his aunt.

He pats me on the back. "What's this about a breakup?" He asks me.

I flail my arms. "No one broke up, your aunt is assuming things."

"He's been moping for a week now, they broke up." She smacks her thick lips.

Calvin shakes his head. "Sorry to hear that, Chris."

I deadpan. "We did not break up."

Calvin throws his hands up in innocence. "Well, what's the new date for the wedding?"

"Your elbows are ashy." I tell him to get off the subject.

Elijah comes in, clowning his older brother, and slaps my hand. He's trailed by Sloane, Andrea, Lucy, Andy, and Nia.

"Does anyone work around here?" I ask, annoyed at the sight of each couple present making it known. Lucy and Andy are publicly touching each other and Sloane and Elijah are just smiling in each other's faces.

"Apparently not." Andrea sasses me as she greets Calvin with a hug.

I pretend to barf.

Wanted For Pleasure: vol 3Where stories live. Discover now