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Liam was almost two weeks old. Kie and I were both exhausted from getting up with him but we've never been happier.

Today, we were going to Mike and Anna's for dinner as Kie's aunt was in town and she wanted to meet Liam. It wasn't fancy, but Kie has been living in my sweatpants and t-shirts for the last two weeks. She just showered and was getting dressed when I walked in on her standing in front of the mirror. She was in what she calls her 'grandma underwear' as she had to wear them after giving birth with a massive pad for the bleeding, pain, and swelling.

She was in a nursing bra and she looked sad. I softly said, "Hey"

She grabbed the towel and wrapped it around her body and said, "Please don't look at me"

"I won't if you don't want me to, but what's wrong?"

"I'm so fat and I feel disgusting... My stomach is still huge, my boobs are huge, I have to basically wear a fucking diaper..."

I hugged her and said, "You are so beautiful... You were beautiful as a teenager, before you got pregnant, while you were pregnant, and I don't know how it's possible but you're extra beautiful now that you're a mom"

She gave me a small smile and said, "I tried my own clothes on and they were too tight still"

"Of course, they're going to be for a while. Your uterus is still shrinking. It had a seven pound baby in there. Kie, you aren't fat and this isn't going to be forever, I promise. I don't ever want to see you in tears over your body. You grew a tiny human for nine months, that's fucking badass"

I kissed the top of her head and she removed the towel that she used to cover her body from me. I gently wrapped my arms around her to hug her. I whispered in her ear, "You'll always be my beautiful wife"

"Thanks, J" She whispered back

She asked if I could help her find something to wear. I grabbed her a pair of my joggers and a sweatshirt.

"Jayge, I can't wear this to dinner" She laughed

"Yes, you can! You gave birth a week ago and it's what you feel most comfortable in"

She smiled and put the clothes on and since she was in sweats, I decided to wear something similar. We got Liam all ready to go and I was carrying Liam into the garage rather than right to the car.

"Where are you going?" Kie asked

"I thought we'd take the bike" I joked

Kie laughed and she was half entertained and have annoyed. I returned seconds later with a bottle of wine.

"I got this to bring tonight" I said

I drove to Figure 8 and carried the diaper bag and our son inside. Everyone greeted us and Kiara's aunt, Melissa was there.

"He's adorable" She said admiring him in his car seat

She hugged Kie and then me too. She was super respectful and didn't ask to hold Liam right away. She just observed and then Kie passed him over to her aunt.

"Hello, Liam! You are just too cute" She said to our son who was now awake

Kie sat next to me on the couch and I had my arm around her. Melissa held him for about an hour before dinner and she handed him back to Kie. We all went to the table and Kie was trying to eat while holding our son but he was getting hungry.

"Excuse me" She said getting up from dinner and heading upstairs

We all continued eating while Kiara went upstairs to feed Liam. Melissa had made her famous chocolate chip cookies for dessert. I grabbed one for Kie and said, "I'm going to go bring this to Kie"

I went upstairs and found Kie sitting in her childhood room nursing our son. I smiled at the sight and handed her the cookie. She smiled and thanked me for it.

"Funny, we used to sneak up and fool around during parties and gatherings at your house, now I come up here and find you with another boy" I said sitting down next to my wife

She laughed and said, "What can I say, you aren't the only boy I love anymore"

We made small talk while Liam finished nursing and then I told Kie that I'd stay up here and burp him and she could go back down and finish eating. Kie gave me a quick kiss and then I grabbed a burp cloth and started burping Liam.

"This is the bedroom that your mommy grew up in" I said talking to my son

"I used to sneak in her room all the time when we were in high school and spend the night with her. She's the best person to fall asleep next to so when you get older and can't sleep or have bad dreams, your mommy will help you fall asleep"

I spent a few minutes burping Liam and then I laid down on my back, with him on my chest. I couldn't believe that I used to come here on my worst night after my dad would beat me. I'd feel hopeless and like no one could ever love me. I hated feeling that way, but Kie always made sure I felt loved and now a few years later, I'm back in this bedroom with my son that I had with the woman who first made me feel loved. Life sure has a funny way of working out.

I went back downstairs and gave Liam to Mike. We had a really good night and we left earlier than usual because we had to get Liam to bed. But we didn't mind, we loved being parents.

I parked the car outside and I looked at Kie and said, "I used to hate coming home after being at your house, but living here with you and Liam, I love coming home knowing it's where my wife and son will be"

"Aww, Jayge" She said kissing me

"Little bit of memory lane tonight, that's all" I admitted

"Let's get Liam to bed and then I wanna hear all about it" She said

We got our son to sleep and then we got curled up in bed and I held her in my arms as I told her about how I felt being back in her childhood room. We laughed and cried and it was nice to have someone to talk to about all this. We were both getting sleepy when I said, "Kie, I wanna have another baby. I don't want Liam to be an only child"

She smiled and said, "Good, because I want another baby too"

"When do you want the second one?"

"Honestly, whenever... I'd be fine trying to get pregnant right away or we could wait a bit. It all depends on when I get my cycle back"

I kissed my wife and said, "Fuck, we still have four weeks of waiting"

"Don't worry, I'll make the wait worth it" She said giving me a look like she was up to something

"You're worth waiting for" I said kissing her goodnight

Fake Dating  •JIARA •Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon