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I drove out of the neighborhood and then I had to pull over because I was crying so hard. This is the reason I never wanted to fall in love. I pulled myself together and I drove back to the Outer Banks. I got back really late and I texted Kie.

JJ: I just got back to the OBX. I hope you're sleeping as it's late

She responded within seconds and of course, she wasn't asleep.

Kie: I'm glad you made it home safe. I hope you can get some sleep. Remember, you're safe now in that house. He isn't here to hurt you anymore

She knows me so well. But I wasn't home. The OBX isn't home. Florida isn't home. Kie is. I'll never be home again.

JJ: Thank you, Kie... You know me better than anyone else. Get some sleep

I got some sleep and unpacked the next morning. I spent the day laying in bed and then I drove to the Carrera's house. I knocked on the door and Anna opened the door.

"JJ, hi" She said pulling me into a hug

"Hi, is Mike here?" I asked

"Yeah, is everything okay? Where is Kie?"

"She's fine, she's in Florida"

Mike came over to the door and he hugged me and asked, "How have you been?"

"I know you guys are being nice, but I just came here to let you know that Kie and I broke up and I think that she could really use a visit from your guys" I said fighting back the tears

"What happened?" Anna asked with sympathy

"She wants a baby and I don't and she deserves to find someone who can give her a baby" I told them

Mike pulled me into a hug and he said, "That's not an easy thing to do... How have you been holding up?"

"It just happened yesterday, doesn't feel real"

Anna hugged me and said, "I'm going to go back a bag for Florida to be with Kie. Mike, you stay here and take care off JJ"

Anna went upstairs and Mike and I sat out on the porch and he didn't ask questions. He just sat with me and let me talk. I told him about how I didn't want kids and how good Kie was with Maddie.

I took Anna to the airport and I dropped her off and I said, "Please make sure she's okay and I am so sorry for breaking your daughter's heart"

Anna looked at me and said, "You have nothing to be sorry for. It's not your fault and it's not hers either... It was a mutual break-up. I'll go make sure our girl's okay"

She hugged me and then she went inside the airport. I drove back to my dad's.. my house and Mike was waiting for me.

"JJ, come move back in with us and I'll help you fix this place up. It needs a lot of work, the water and electricity is off. I can't let you live here like this"

"Mike, I appreciate it but I'm not dating your daughter anymore. You don't need to be nice to me anymore"

"JJ, I know you this before... You are like a son to me and that doesn't just go away"

After we talked for a bit and I told Mike that he needed to ask Kiara if I could stay here temporarily until the shack was livable. Mike made a phone call and he came back with the phone speaker and it was Kie.

"JJ, I don't want you living in the shack if there is no water, electricity, and holes to the outside. Stay at my parent's house until it's fixed up, please. I don't want to worry about you"

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