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We got back from Florida and Mike had told me that he wanted to talk to me alone without Kie knowing. I had no idea what it was about but we picked a day and when I showed up to the Carerra's house, Mike and Anna were waiting for me.

They were both nice but I felt like I was in trouble. Anna said, "We've been talking a lot about Kiara's plans for the future and college and I know you guys have different plans for the future but we wanted to hear about what your plans are"

I was extremely nervous and Mike said, "Don't be nervous"

"I'm not really a school guy and we both know I don't come from much... I know I need to get a good job to be able to support myself and Kiara. I have no intention of ever living like my father, your daughter deserves much better. I might never be able to buy her a house on Figure Eight, but..."

"JJ, this isn't what this is about. Anna and I have been talking and we care about you like you're our son. You didn't pick Luke to be your father. You're a hard worker, intelligent, and smart. If there is any schooling trade school, college, whatever it is, Anna and I are going to pay for it"

I was in shock. There was no way my girlfriend's parents were saying this. I mean that's crazy. 

"You guys don't have to do that. I never want to feel like I owe you and I'm already staying here and..."

"JJ, if anything we owe you. We've never seen Kiara so happy. You're family and we have the means to do this" Anna said

We talked and they told me to think about it and let them know. They told me that I was free to tell Kiara now, but they just wanted to have this conversation alone. I headed to the Chateau and I sat down and just replayed the conversation I just had in my head over and over.

"Dude, what's wrong with you?" John B asked

"Mike and Anna just told me that if I wanted to go to school they'd pay for it" 

"Holy shit"

"I know!! And I can't figure out why because people aren't supposed to like me. I'm a fucking Maybank and people like Mike and Anna aren't supposed to like Maybanks" I said freaking out

John B sat down and he said, "JJ, you've been my brother since we were kids. You aren't like the rest of the Maybanks, especially not Luke. You're so lucky to have people like Mike and Anna willing to help you. This is your chance to get off the cut, start a new life, and get away from Luke while building this new life with the girl who loves you"

He took a breath and said, "Besides, Kiara agreed to marry you which means she's going to be a Maybank"

"Fuck, don't remind me... Maybe she should just keep her last name"

"JJ, she's marrying you, she loves you. You're nothing like the rest of the Maybanks, trust me, she wants your last name. I know this is hard for you because it would be hard for me. People don't give a shit about us and now Mike and Anna give a shit about you. You deserve this, man"

"Thanks, JB" I said appreciating the little talk we had

"Anytime" He said giving me a hug

"Aww, look at you two lovers" Kie said walking in

"Very funny" I said

"Dude, we should tell her..." John B said seriously

"Tell me what?" She asked with her adorable confused face

John B looked down and then he looked at me before looking at Kie and saying, "He's ending things with you because we're madly in love"

He couldn't even keep a straight face and we all broke out laughing. Kie said, "You can have him, he's a lot a work"

Kie walked over and gave me a quick kiss and we went out on the dock and I told her about the conversation I had with her parents. She was surprised and asked what I was thinking about doing. We talked about my passions and skills and somehow after an hour, I was kinda set on going to trade school. 

Kie told me she was thinking about going to one of the Florida schools. That night at dinner, we talked about it and Mike said, "If you guys both want to go to Florida, the beach house isn't that far away from campus. You guys could live there if you wanted"

"Are you serious?" Kie asked her dad

He took a breath and said, "Yeah, you guys are adults and I can't keep you out of each other's rooms forever"

We all laughed and after more conversation, it sounded like we were moving to Florida in the Fall for school. 

I took Kie to our senior prom, prom wasn't really my thing but it was Kie's so we went and it was all worth it to see her in her prom dress. Senior year was coming to an end and before I knew it, we were at graduation. 

Everyone cheered for Kie when her name was called and I didn't expect much when my name was called. My dad didn't even bother to show up. But Mike and Anna were standing up, clapping, and cheering for me as I received my high school diploma. 

After the ceremony, Kie came and hugged me and she said, "I'm so proud of you"

John B came over before I could say anything and so did Pope. We all took lots of pictures and then I went with Kie to find her parents. I stood back to let her have her moment with mom and dad. Mike hugged Kiara and Anna walked over and hugged me.

"We are so proud of you, JJ"

Mike came and hugged me and we took some more pictures and then Anna said, "I'm really sorry your dad didn't show up today"

"Eh, it's whatever"

"No, it's not whatever and you're allowed to be pissed about it, just know that Mike and I are extremely proud of you and all your hard work"

Kie and I went with the pouges to a party to celebrate and it was fun, but we all left early to go to the Chateau. We had a fire and talked about all our memories from high school. It was almost 4 in the morning when we all headed inside. Kie and I were sharing the spare bedroom and she whispered, "You can talk to me... You know that right"

"I know..." I said 

"I love you and I can't wait to move to Florida with you"

"I love you too, we're going to have the best new adventure together"

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