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long chapter, let me know what you think! i hope i wrote it okay :)

Kie's POV:

JJ just left and I looked at my dad and asked, "How bad was Luke?"

"Bad, the doctor couldn't tell me much but it doesn't sound like he had more than a week"

"I know he did some awful, horrible things to people and he abused JJ but he's dying... I don't know, it's still sad"

"I know, honey" My mom said as she pulled me into a hug

I was crying and it was because my heart hurt that JJ was losing his father, the only family he's ever known. I know how fucked up that sounds. My mom was crying too and she said, "It breaks my heart knowing how much pain JJ has experienced in his life"

My dad was comforting both of us and he said, "I know, but he's tough... He's got us and his friends. He'll be okay"

We pulled ourselves together before JJ got back and when he got back he said, "I'm ready to go. Will you all come with?"

"Of course" My dad said

We walked out to my dad's truck and he drove to the hospital. We went to the third floor and we were in the waiting room. Luke was in room 861. JJ was going to go alone and he started walking to the room when he turned around and said, "Kie, will you come with?"

I got up and grabbed his hand as we walked to Luke's room. JJ opened the door and we saw Luke. His skin was yellow. He looked frail and sick. He was coughing and not able to move much. He looked over at JJ and his whole face lit up.

"JJ" He said

"Yeah, it's me, dad" JJ said

"My boy... I didn't think you'd come"

"Well, here I am" JJ said

Luke moved to sit his hospital bed up so he was sitting up instead of laying down. Luke started coughing and he said, "Hi Kiara"

"Hi" I replied

"JJ, how's school in Florida?"

"It's real good, I'll be done in a few months"

"That's good... I'm glad you didn't follow me down this path"

"Yeah" He said awkwardly

"Can you give me a minute with my boy?" Luke asked me

"No, she's staying. Whatever you want to say to me, she can hear" JJ said firmly

Luke started to cry and he said, "I'm sorry... I was a horrible father to you and you deserved better. I think it's important that you know your momma loved you. Go home and look in my closet, there is a box of her stuff"

"Is she still alive?"

"No, she started some heavy drugs when you were about two and she was leaving with some bikers. She tried to take you with her but I wouldn't let her. She died in a crash about two weeks later"

I was already holding JJ's hand but I gave it a little squeeze to remind him that I was right here. 

"I'm glad I wasn't with her"

"Me too, I'm sorry for everything. I don't mean to blame the drugs and alcohol, but after your mom left, I got on the same shit and I couldn't stop. You deserved better. I'm sorry for everything, for hurting you so badly"

JJ wasn't crying, he was numb, emotionless. 

"Whatever" He said casually

"JJ, don't be like that... I'm dying and I need you to know that I truly am sorry"

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