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Kie went in and got the birth control taken out of her arm. It would take some time for her hormones to regulate, but the doctor said she could technically get pregnant the next time so ovulates. I was up late doing some work when Kie came downstairs.

She walked over to me and sat on my lap. She said," I love you but I've been thinking"

"Uh oh, this doesn't sound good. You divorcin' me baby?" I joked

She laughed and said, "No, our marriage is solid"

I gave her a quick kiss and then she continued, "You don't know how excited I am to have kids with you, but for years you've been so against having kids. We broke up because of it. Having a baby is going to change our lives and I just want to make sure it's what you really want because if I get pregnant, I'm having the baby. I'm not going to have an abortion or put it up for adoption because you changed your mind. I just don't want to lose you if you change your mind and it's too late. So, I don't want to try this month for a baby. I want you to take the time to make sure it's what you really want"

She paused and said, "Jayge, even if you decide you don't want a baby, I'm still gonna love you"

"I'm okay with that, but I can promise you that I won't change my mind"

She gave me a quick kiss and then I carried back up to bed and she asked, "How long are you going to be working for?"

"Another hour or so, but I'll come to bed with you and I can finish it up tomorrow"

I went downstairs and turned the TV and lights off before I went back upstairs to my wife. I crawled into bed with her and pulled her into my arms. I kissed the top of her head and she fell right asleep. I was so thankful to have a job where I could put off work until later because these are the moments I love. The small little moments like falling asleep together.

The next morning, I got up and made us breakfast while Kie slept in before work. I brought her breakfast in bed and she said, "You're amazing"

"I hope it's good" I said as Kie was the better good

She took a bite and said, "You're way better at breakfast than I am"

She held the fork out I took a bite before getting in the shower. Once I was out of the shower, Kie had finished eating and she was dressed for work. She loved days where she got to work from home because could wear her comfy/lounge clothes all day. I loved it because whenever I came home during the day, I got to see my wife.

She was in her little home office working when I kissed her goodbye before heading to work. I went to a clients house and gave them an estimate on the electrical problem they were having and then I met up with one of the guys I hired to help him out on a project.

I swung by the Wreck to say hi to Mike and Anna and they were both extra happy to see me. I'm assuming it's because they know they're gonna have grandkids.

Anna hugged me and said, "Mike told me and so did Kiara. I can't wait for you guys to have a baby"

"Neither can I" I said with a smile

We talked for a bit and then they asked if I wanted to stay for lunch but I told them that I was gonna go have lunch with Kie.

I stopped home to eat lunch with Kie and I told her about seeing her parents.

"It's funny when you tell people you're going to try for a baby, you're basically telling them we're fucking without protection on purpose"

Kie started laughing, a real genuine laugh and she couldn't stop. It made me laugh and she said, "You're not wrong"

"I know, it's weird! Especially telling your parents - like hey, I'm having unprotected sex with your daughter and you're happy about it"

"JJ" She said embarrassed but still laughing

After lunch, I went back to work and so did Kie. The next few days, were great until we were about to have sex and Kie stopped me and said, "Condom"

"Really? We haven't used one of those in years"

"I know, but we agreed to wait a month and I'm literally in my fertile time"

"We could just make a baby" I said not wanting to get a condom

"I never thought the day would come where I was the one who wanted to make sure I didn't get pregnant" Kie laughed

"Funny how things change" I said

I realized that I literally didn't have any condoms so I said, "We're gonna have to pause this because I don't have any condoms. I tossed them all out as they expired"

Kie reached over in her nightstand drawer and tossed me a box and she said, "I just bought them"

I opened the box and pulled one out, tore open the package, and rolled it on. I could tell by Kie's face that the sex wasn't as enjoyable. I wanted her to finish before me, but I couldn't make that happen and I tried a few different tricks.

I pulled out and went to the bathroom and threw the condom away and when I came back, Kie was dressed. I had every intention of coming back and making sure she got something out of it.

"I'm sorry about that" I said apologizing as I felt back she got nothing out of it

"It's fine" She said in a way that made me think it wasn't fine

"I can go down on..." I started to say but she cut me off

"I'm not really in the mood anymore, it's okay, it's not your fault" She said

I put my clothes back on and I left the room. I went to the living room and sat on the couch trying to figure out what to do because I felt bad.

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