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Kie has a new boyfriend. She is dating Matt and I fucking hated it. I hated seeing her with another guy, but he wants kids and I don't and I just want her to be happy. At least I know Matt is a good guy, he was probably my favorite out of all her guy friends. Anyone is better than Cody.

But honestly, I wouldn't hate it if she ended up with John B or Pope. I mean then at least she would be in the Outer Banks and I knew I could trust the guy. The night after the anniversary party, Mike came over with dinner and beer.

"How are you holding up? I'm sure seeing Kiara with Matt wasn't easy for you"

"I mean it sucks but as long as she's happy. I'm glad she came home"

Mike gave me a look and I said, "We kinda had a moment at the party"

"A moment, huh?"

"We kissed, it was before her and Matt became official" I said stretching the truth because no matter how much I liked Mike there were some things that were off-limits to talk about and one of those being sex, especially when it was with his daughter in the bathroom and the restaurant he owned

"You still love her?" Mike asked

"Do you still love Anna?"

Mike laughed and said, "Stupid question, sorry"

"Now the big question, what do you think about the boyfriend?"

Mike looked at me and said, "He seems nice, he's got a good job and a nice family. I just worry that he wants to move back to Montana"

"Oh fuck no, he's not taking Kie to the middle of nowhere Montana"

"Glad we're on the same page" Mike said as he took a sip of his beer

How the hell did I go from being a loser pogue that Mike didn't know to this moment? Sitting here, having a beer, gossiping about Kie's new boyfriend. Life is funny like that I guess.

Mike and I hung out and talked shit about Matt. He left late that night and before he left he said, "JJ, I want you to be happy too and if that means dating, it doesn't change our relationship"

"Dating isn't really my thing, but I appreciate it"

Mike nodded as he left my house and I went inside and went to bed. A few days later, I was at the grocery store when I ran into Piper. She looked at me and smiled and said, "Hi, JJ"

"Hey" I said back

"How have you been? It's been forever since I've seen you. Would you ever wanna hang out?"

"I've been busy and I appreciate the offer but I know what hanging out means and I'm not really into that anymore"

"You're not into sex anymore?" She asked

"I never said that I'm not into just hooks up"

"Since when?"

"Since it's none of your damn business" I said to her

"Well I didn't want to sleep with you anyway" She said walking away

I didn't mean to be rude but I had no interest in hanging out with her because I knew all she wanted to do was hook up. I was going to die sex-deprived, sad, and alone. I went home and did some meal prepping, Kie really got me into that.

I ate way healthier and gained more muscle as I've been working out more. However, I got a text from Anna.

Anna: Hi JJ, I'm making my seafood pasta tonight and I know you love it. We'd love for you to come over and if not, I'd be happy to drop some off for you

JJ: I'd love to come over if you'll have me

Anna: Of course, come over anytime after 4 pm

JJ: Anything you want me to bring?

Anna: Just yourself

JJ: See you tonight

I went over later and Anna was finishing up cooking and Mike wasn't home yet. I offered to help but she said she didn't any help and it was almost done.

Anna looked at me and said, "I've got to admit, I didn't think you'd be this cool with Kiara dating Matt"

"She deserves to be happy"

"You're way better than I am. Seeing her date someone else isn't easy" Anna admitted

"I thought you wanted grandkids"

"I do, but I don't necessarily want Matt's grandkids"

I gave Anna a look and she said, "I don't mean to talk shit, but I just worry that he's going to move Kie back to Montana and I'll never see the grandkids. I like Matt, I do, but his mom is a little odd"

I laughed and said, "Hopefully not as bad as Cody's dad"

Anna laughed and we talked about the time Mike punched him and we sat there talking about Cody and Matt.

Mike walked in and said, "Hey"

"Hi" I said

"Hi honey" Anna said smiling

"What are you guys talking about?" He asked

"We're talking shit about Matt and Cody" I informed Mike

Mike laughed and he grabbed a beer out of the fridge and offered me one but I declined. I was trying to cut back on the drinking. I don't want to end up like my father. Mike said, "As long as he treats Kiara right, that's all that matters but since you're already talking shit, I've got to say that haircut he got isn't doing him any favors"

We all ate together and then I stayed to play a game of cribbage with Mike. I went home and went to bed early. I tried not to think about Kie but that was easier said than done. I missed her.

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