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I went to John B's and I sat on the couch and said, "So, I'm going to Florida for spring break with Kie and her parents"

"That's an awful idea"

"Why? Free vacation"

John B laughed and said, "Dude, you gotta hang out with her parents"

"Yes, I know... But I don't think it will be that bad. I see Mike at work all the time"

John B gave me a look and said, "You're so in love with her"

"Whatever" I tried playing it off

"Don't sorry, she actually loves you back"

I laughed because there was no way that Kiara Carrera was actually into me. I changed the subject and told him I needed his help packing for the trip and I also needed to borrow his suitcase.

He helped me pack even though the suitcase contained most of my clothes as I really didn't have much. He looked at me and said, "Being condoms"

"We're not going to need condoms" I said annoyed

"What do you mean? I thought you guys were fucking" John B said confused

Shit. I almost forgot he doesn't know this whole relationship is fake. I looked at him and said, "We're not going to do anything in the same house her parents are in"

"Oh yeah, that sucks..." He said agreeing and I was glad he bought that excuse

I thought about it and wondered if I should grab a few condoms. I don't want Mike to check my suitcase and see condoms but I also don't want something to almost go down and then not have a condom. I was going to think about it for the next few days and figure out what to do.

The next few days, Kie told me all about Florida and what to expect and I told her that I was a little nervous to spend a week with her parents. She promised it would all be okay and told me about when Cody went with them.

Before I knew it, I was getting on the plane and we were on our way to Florida. I've never flown before and Kie let me have the window seat. We took a picture for her to post on her story.

We were about to take off and Kie reached out and grabbed my hand and within a few seconds we were in the air. I felt pretty relaxed and wasn't that nervous anymore. Kie eventually let go of my hand and I watched a movie and then we were landing.

We got off the plane and met up with her parents. They asked how the flight was as they were a few rows in front of us and we didn't talk to them during the flight. I told them I really enjoyed flying. We got our bags and then Kie's aunt picked us up. She was Anna's sister and her name was Melissa.

After we got to their beach house, Melissa came up to me and Kie and she smiled and asked, "So, who is the boy?"

"This is my boyfriend, JJ and JJ, this is my aunt Melissa" Kie said as Melissa shook my hand

Melissa and Anna were talking while we went inside with Mike. The house was gorgeous. I can't believe they own two houses and my dad and I struggle to pay rent for our little shack on the cut. I felt really out of place here and almost embarrassed to be seen with Kie. Embarrassed because there was no way she'd ever love a guy like me, it was all an act and I can't believe she was keeping the act up. If I were her, I wouldn't want to be seen with me, especially not in front of my family.

"Jayge, are you okay?" Kie asked as I totally zoned out

"Yeah, sorry... I was just thinking about the beach and everything" I said and I realized how stupid that sounded

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