~Leah's POV~
I decide to stay at the hospital whilst Chris is down having her surgery. I sit in Chris' room just watching movies on my phone not that I can really focus on them. I'm ignoring everyone's texts and calls except mums, Diane's and Kieth's "mrs Williamson?" "Yeah" "Chris' surgery went well she is in recovery and should be back within half an hour" "oh great that's fantastic thank you very much, so no seizures?" "No none at all" "thank you honestly I cannot thank you enough" "your welcome is there anything I can get for you?" "No just my wife would be great" the nurse laughs "she will be up soon." I decide to update everyone by text and put a message in the Arsenal WhatsApp group. Chris is eventually brought up to her room and she is surprisingly alert "hi baby how you feeling?" "A little like shit but not too bad, not that I don't love to see your gorgeous face but what are you doing here?" "I never left baby" "your nuts but boy do I love you" "I love you too now get some rest" "yes boss."

Chris has been asleep for a little while I asked mum and Diane to bring Xander to the hospital and judging from the mummy shouts from the hallway he has arrived. He is such a mummies boy, I go into the hallway and he sees me "MAMA!" He runs towards me "shhhh bubs there is a lot of poorly people here" "sowwy is mummy poorly?" "No just her leg should we go see her?" "YEAH!" "We have to be quiet though because she is asleep" "ok mama." We go into the room and Xander wants on Chris' bed so I put him on the good side and he cuddles her. It's cute because she automatically pulls him in like she can sense he is there "how is she doing Leah?" "Not too bad Diane I made her get some sleep and as you can see it worked" "she didn't have a seizure?" "No, no seizures and everything went well she just has to have physio but I think she will like her physio I've already met her" "her?" "Yeah mum it's Vicky" "Vicky? Why does that name ring a bell?" "It's her physio off the last time she was injured" "Jesus talk about a small world" "I know."

"Mummy waked up" "shit! Xander no" "hmm hi baby" "mummy you were sleep so I woked you up" "I know but you know what I'm glad you did because I missed you" "I miss you mummy" "how you feeling sweetheart?" "But blah but I want to know what my gorgeous boy has been up to at nursery" "we draw and play football" "that sounds like so much fun" "how are you feeling blah?" "I just feel a little sick it's nothing to worry about baby" "I will get them to give you something." I go find a doctor "Christina Williamson is feeling sick" "ok I will get a nurse to come and give her something" "thank you." I go back to Chris' room "Kat and Freya are coming to see you" "cool, erm can someone get Xander and pass a sick bowl please?" Diane gets Xander and I run over with a sick bowl just in time for Chris to start vomiting so I hold her hair "ahhh looks like I was little too late still want this?" The nurse holds a syringe and Chris nods "can you confirm name and date of birth please?" "Christina Williamson 27/7/97" "thank you."

Once the nurse has give Chris her medicine she leaves the room and Chris leans back holding her arms out for Xander again and I sit the other side "want to tell us what's with the Williamson?" "Xander will be a Williamson soon and this way he doesn't get confused why all 3 of us have different names" "I guess that makes sense but why Williamson? I thought you would keep your last name" "well you are looking at Xander Taylor Williamson now can we stop with the questions and please let me just cuddle my family" "ok baby girl I'm sorry are you feeling better now?" "Yeah" "good, Kat and Freya are on their way up I'm going to meet them at the lift" "ok." Diane heads along to the lift "mummy sing pwease" "of course baby." Chris starts singing Shania Twain's you're still the one like she always sings to him. Diane and Kat are stood at the door with a surprised look on their faces so they call me over "does Chris always sing this song?" "Yeah why?" Diane tears up "what's going on?" "Diane used to sing this to Chris to calm her down because this is what rose used to sing to her" "Chris' birth mum?" "Yeah and now she is singing it to her son" "that's so sweet it's a shame she doesn't remember her dad" "she does Leah, Peter was an absent father he thought the best way to be a dad was to earn every penny god sends instead of being there" "she always says she doesn't really remember him" "she won't speak ill of him." I look at Chris with Xander and everything just makes sense now.

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