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Spencer de-codes a 'goodbye' message left by Y/N, to save Y/N from her stalker.


You had been distant from the team for at least 3 months now, and Spencer noticed this. He couldn't pinpoint why you were distant, but he could tell that there was something on your mind.

You declined going out with the team several times. You became jumpy when your phone went off during the day. Every single letter or any mail that was sent to the office was shoved into your desk, and wouldn't be read until Spencer and the team weren't around.

You didn't want to tell the team that you had a stalker. For 6 months, an unknown person had been stalking you. They followed you all over the country. They left voicemails using technology that would obscure their voice. You could tell that they used their non-dominant hand as to prevent you from identifying them.

Whoever this person was, their behavior never showed any signs of violence. It seemed as if this person was infatuated with you, not jealous of you. You had been stalked for 6 months, but the distance between you and the team only occurred in the last 3 months, because the stalker made it clear that they knew where each of your teammates lived.

When you came home one night, seeing a small box wrapped tight with a bow on top of it outside your door, you carefully brought it inside your apartment and placed it down on the table. Unwrapping it, you almost broke down when you saw the necklace resting inside. It was an exact replica of the necklace your mother wore - as a gift from your grandmother on her wedding day.

At 6 years old, you told your mother that you loved the necklace she wore every single day without fail. She promised that when you got married, she'd give it to you as her mother did to her. Your mother died in a car accident when you were 13, and the necklace was destroyed, its broken pieces remaining in a small plastic bag that resided deep in your jewellery box.

To see this necklace - a clearly brand new replica - resting in the box, you knew that whoever was stalking you was someone close to you. Although, everyone close to you lived in New Jersey, while you lived in D.C. to be close to your job at the BAU.

You planned to eventually tell the team about the stalker if they ever tried to act on their infatuation, but you didn't get the chance. The night you came home to the new necklace waiting for you, the unknown person managed to get inside your - completely locked - apartment. Even with every window and door being shut, locked and double checked before you went to bed, the person still got inside the apartment. The last thing you saw was your puppy snuggling up to your chest as he went to go to sleep as well.

When you woke up, you weren't in your bed. You were on a bed in some random room you didn't recognise. It was bare, no pictures, no other furniture. The floor wasn't carpeted, so any chances of trying to get out were to be met with extreme caution. The room looked old, and judging by the creaky floors you heard for the next 2 hours, you assumed that maybe the rest of the house was also old.

For 36 hours, you were trapped in the old room, unable to escape. Every time you wanted food, it'd be slipped underneath the door through a custom trap door. 38 hours into being taken, the person identified himself. His name didn't sound familiar to you, but when he showed his face, you instantly recognised him as the boy who used to make fun of/pick on you in middle school. You were confused as to why he was revealing himself, but then you realised that he was showing his face intending to make sure you never escaped.

Something about the house seemed familiar. Every hour that you spent trapped inside the room, you tried to place why this house was familiar to you. It eventually came to you in a memory while you waited for him to bring you breakfast. Years ago, way before you moved to D.C., your parents were thinking about moving. They had looked at this house several times, and even considered buying it - back then it looked well-lived in and perfect for a big family. Things happened though, and you parents ended up deciding to stay in their house, not wanting to move far away from your grandparents who had become extremely sick. After a few more hours, you finally remembered the address this house was listed under.

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