After so long

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In a world where you meet your soulmate by seeing color for the first time, Y/N is shocked when her true soulmate is revealed after the end of a 3 year relationship.


You loved Derek. That's the first thought that crossed your mind when you woke up every morning, and it was the last thought that crossed your mind moments before you went to sleep every night. Regardless of society's views on 'soulmates', you loved Derek.

It's said that every single person has a soulmate, and when they met their soulmate, their vision turned from black and white to color. Your friends had all experienced this, and yet, you hadn't. Even after being in a committed relationship with Derek for 3 years, color hadn't yet invaded your vision, but you didn't care. Every day, you worried that maybe your color was taking longer than normal to come into affect, but you met Derek 3 years ago and nothing happened - not then, and not now.

Another long night of marking had kept you at work. You loved teaching, almost as much as you loved Derek. He chose to save people every day by catching serial killers, while you chose to shape the next generation that would one day rule the world.

You locked Derek's apartment door behind you, putting his spare key in the ceramic bowl that sat on the shelf near the door. You walked through his apartment, calling his name multiple times, earning no response.

"Hey, babe." You smiled, putting your bag and your purse down on the table in front of you. Derek remained quiet, clearly in deep thought.

"Derek? Is everything okay?" You asked, walking closer to him.

"I'm leaving." He remained straight-faced.

"Another case? When will you be back?" You asked, curious.

"No, I don't think you understand." He shook his head, pushing a duffle bag across the table. This was your duffle bag - a red bag with black straps.

"Yeah, I don't understand. What's going on?" You furrowed your eyebrows.

"I can't do this- us, anymore." He revealed.

"I'm sorry?" You weren't sure if you had heard him right.

"It has been 3 years, Y/N. 3 years since we met. When you told me that your color hadn't come, I assumed that maybe it was taking longer than normal, and I accepted that, but I can't remain in a relationship with someone who isn't my soulmate." He exhaled.

"So what, you're just leaving me? That's it? 3 years of our lives down the drain because you can't handle the fact that I love you regardless of fucking 'soulmates'?" You could feel the tears forming in your eyes.

"The universe has made it pretty fucking clear that there is someone else out there who's better for you! I can't willingly be with you if you're not supposed to be with me!" Derek got upset.

"I love you, Derek! I do not give a fuck about 'soulmates'. Some people do, but I don't. I care about you. I care that I get to wake up next to your handsome face every morning. I care that we've spent countless nights sitting by the TV watching movies and eating junk food. I care that you're the last face I see before I go to bed every night! Does none of that mean anything to you?!" You snapped.

"I'm clearly holding you back, Y/N. So here's what's gonna happen. I'm going away for another case, and I want you gone by the time I get back." He glared at you.

"You're kicking me out?" You cried.

"I'm not telling you again." He insisted.

"Fuck you, Derek Morgan. You could've been a bit nicer about all this!" You cried more, snatching your duffle bag off the table.

"Derek, can you hurry up? We were supposed to have left 10 minutes ago!" A voice called out as they opened the front door.

"Reid, now is NOT a good time!" Derek yelled back, but it was too late. The mysterious voice had gotten closer.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realise you had company." The man referred to as 'Reid' spoke as he walked into the room. The moment you looked at him, your heart dropped. The world as you knew it had become full of color, no longer black and white.

"Shit." He must've experienced the same thing.

"Get outta here, Reid. I'm almost done." Derek insisted.

"I've got color now." The man revealed, his eyes darting between you and Derek.

"You've gotta be fucking kidding me. Y/N?!" You turned back to face Derek and were met with color. You were seeing your - now ex - boyfriend in color for the first time since you met him.

"I' color now too." You nodded, still crying.

"Get out." Derek stopped looking at you, which broke your heart even more. You grabbed your duffle bag, your work bag and your purse, hastily exiting his apartment. As you reached the stairwell, you heard Derek talking to the man.

"Derek...I didn't know, I swear." The man insisted. You hadn't met any of Derek's work friends, so you assumed that maybe they didn't know about you.

"I don't want to hear another word from you, unless it's case related." Derek growled. You quickly raced down the stairwell and made it to the ground floor of Derek's apartment complex. You ran to your car and shoved your bags into the back seat right as Derek and the man made their way to his car.

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