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I'm sorry in advance but...

...what if Tobias Hankel managed to escape the BAU?


The last time Spencer saw Tobias Hankel, he was staring down the barrel of a gun, a smirk on his face.

"What are you stopping for?" Charles questioned, glaring at Spencer, who was barely standing from his injuries.

"Dig faster!" Charles demanded, getting closer to Spencer.

"I'm not strong enough." Spencer dropped the shovel and tried to step back.

"You're all weak! Get out of there." Charles groaned, snatching the shovel from the ground. Spencer saw an opportunity and reached for Charles' gun, managing to aim it at the man.

"Only one bullet in that gun, boy." Charles chuckled, watching as Spencer shakily held the gun. He pulled the trigger, watching as Tobias quickly fell back, holding his shoulder.

The team was alerted to the sound of a loud gunshot echoing through the area.

"Reid! Over there." Hotch demanded, Y/N, Emily, Derek, JJ and Gideon following the sound.

When the team reached Spencer, all they saw was Spencer on the floor, trying not to pass out. They lifted him off the floor, Spencer immediately going to Hotch for a hug.

"Are you okay, Spence?" JJ inspected Spencer's body, not seeing any clear signs of a bullet wound.

"I- I shot him..." Spencer breathed, turning around. Tobias was gone, leaving nothing but a small bottle of Dilaudid on the ground.

"Tobias?" Spencer called out, hearing no response.

They quickly got him to the hospital and within 24 hours, he was back home. Y/N stayed with Spencer for a while, making sure he was really okay.


A day hadn't gone by where Spencer slept peacefully. For 10 years, Spencer went to bed every night with hopes that he'd get a decent sleep, but by 7 AM, he'd have woken up every couple of hours due to constant nightmares about Tobias Hankel. Emily, JJ and Penelope were very concerned and constantly asked if he was okay, noting the bags under his eyes, the lack of info dumping during cases and Spencer's general quietness.

The only person Spencer confided in was Y/N. Since they met a year before Spencer's kidnapping, they had been the closest in the team, not just because they were the youngest members. He didn't necessarily tell Y/N about his nightmares. She came over a few weeks after the kidnapping to see if Spencer was okay. She found him thrashing around in his bed, his eyebrows furrowed and his eyes tightly shut. She woke him up, made sure he was okay and asked if that was the only nightmare he had. He shook his head and admitted to having experienced at least 6 nightmares.

Y/N helped Spencer with his nightmares, earning more of his trust. Eventually, they started dating. After 5 years of dating, Spencer proposed and Y/N said yes. They got married 8 months later.

Over time, Spencer's nightmares lessened, but he was still haunted by the fact that Tobias was still roaming free in the world, probably coming up with a plan to kill him.

Turns out, Spencer wasn't far off. Tobias was roaming free, although he had been busy.

"Georgia and Kenneth Blair, from Atlanta, were the 3rd and 4th victims in the span of 2 weeks. Georgia was bound to the bed with a bag over her head, and Kenneth was strapped down to the rocking chair across the room, also with a bag over his head." Penelope told as she put pictures up on the board.

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