Reid vs Y/L/N (who admits first)

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Everyone is well aware that Spencer and Y/N have huge crushes on each other, so they decide that their obliviousness should be turned into a game, with a cash prize.


With a job as grim as the BAU, Derek took any opportunity to have fun. Whether it was nights out at the local bar, or a one-night-stand. His favourite type of fun was battling against his teammates in bets.

It was a secret to no one except Spencer and Y/N that the two liked each other. Watching them interact with each other was painful, as it was clear that they liked each other, but neither of them ever did anything. Derek once believed that they knew they liked each other, but wanted to torture the team by not doing anything. But after 4 years, Derek realised that they were simply oblivious.

So, on Monday morning at 8:30 AM, JJ, Penelope, Emily and Derek sat around Derek's desk, waiting for their other teammates to arrive. Derek looked behind him, making sure neither Y/N nor Spencer were around.

"It is...painfully obvious that the two youngest members of our team like each other. I propose a little game." Derek suggested.

"This'll be good." Emily nodded.

"We pair up. One pair focus on Y/N. One pair focus on Spencer. The first pair to get their target to admit their feelings wins $100." Derek told.

"Each, or all together?" JJ asked, curious.

"If a certain Italian wants to pitch in, maybe $100 each." Derek chuckled.

"Rossi. You wanna join our bet?" Penelope asked, explaining the bet to Rossi.

"I won't join. I'll be the judge. Whichever pair gets their target to admit their front of me, will win $100 each." Rossi smirked.

"Deal?" Emily looked at her friends.

"We'll take Spencer. You two are going down." JJ and Penelope smiled.

"Oh, we'll see about that." Derek chuckled.

Little did the 4 Agents know, Rossi had his own twist to add. He wasn't about to let their bet be so simple. If the bet was going to be entertaining, he had to add a little spice.

Y/N arrived to the office at 8:50 AM. Rossi pulled her aside before she entered the bullpen and began to explain the situation. He told her about the bet, about Derek and Emily's intentions.

"If you can get Derek and Emily to give up their bet, you'll get $100. Do not tell anyone I told you this. Keep it between us." Rossi eyed Y/N, who nodded, getting to work.

Spencer arrived soon after at 8:55 AM. Rossi pulled him aside before the team could see him. He said the same thing to him. He told him about the bet, about JJ and Penelope's intentions.

"Keep this discussion between us and I'll give you $100 if you get JJ and Penelope to give up on their bet." Rossi told. Spencer nodded, heading into work.

Rossi smirked, excited to see how this situation would turn out.


The bet had lasted over a month, much to the surprise of Penelope, JJ, Emily and Derek. They thought that, by the 2nd week, Y/N and Spencer would've admitted their feelings, but no.

The none of them knew that for just over a month, Y/N and Spencer knew what the team were doing. They didn't know about their feelings for each other, but they knew about the bet. Although, halfway through the 3rd week, Rossi managed to do what Emily, Derek, JJ and Penelope hadn't been able to do in weeks. While getting some lunch for the team, Rossi invited Y/N and Spencer to help him grab the massive order. During their outing, Rossi decided to simply rip off the band-aid. He told the pair how painful it was to watch them be so oblivious to the feelings they had for each other. At first, both Y/N and Spencer were embarrassed due to Rossi's sudden outburst, but when they noticed that Rossi had slipped away, they finally came clean. By the time Rossi returned, Y/N and Spencer thanked Rossi for giving them the final push.

"New deal. I will pay you each $100 if you kiss right in front of the team after next week has passed. I really wanna see them lose the bet." Rossi chuckled.

"Deal." Spencer smiled.

The following Wednesday, the team had just gotten back from a case. Spencer and Y/N took the Wednesday night to have their first date and they loved every second of it. Spencer couldn't help but ask Y/N to be his girlfriend only an hour after they finished their movie. Much to his surprise, she said yes.

Rossi's deadline was soon over, meaning at any time, Y/N and Spencer could kiss right in front of the team and win some money. Luckily for them, they found the perfect time.

"It's been over a month. How have none of us managed to get them to admit their feelings?" Penelope whined.

"We just have to keep trying. We will wear them down eventually." Y/N and Spencer overheard Derek and Penelope talking as they walked into the BAU bullpen. Y/N peeked inside and saw Emily, JJ, Penelope and Derek now talking to each other.

"Morning." Spencer and Y/N walked into the bullpen, trying not to laugh as the team scrambled to look as if they weren't talking about them behind their backs.

"Morning you two." JJ smiled.

Just as Spencer was about to sit at his desk, he pulled Y/N closer to him by her waist, pleasantly surprising her. Within seconds, his lips were on hers and she melted, enjoying every second of it. Not only would the team be shocked, but she was happy that she finally got to enjoy the presence of her boyfriend at work without being secretive.

"Wha-" Penelope couldn't shut her mouth.

JJ, Penelope, Emily and Derek were pulled out of their shock when a camera flash went off. They blinked a few times and groaned at the sight of Rossi smirking at the photo on his phone. He showed it to Y/N and Spencer, who smiled.

"I believe I owe you two these." He pulled two $100 bills out of his wallet and handed one to Spencer and one to Y/N, confusing the group.

"You guys knew...didn't you?" JJ asked, confused.

"About our feelings for each other, not at first. About the bet, Rossi told us." Y/N told.

"Cheater." Emily rolled her eyes at Rossi.

"Like Reid and his card-counting, I don't play fair." Rossi chuckled, walking off.

"Damn." Derek laughed.

Spencer Reid One-ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora