Thank you Penelope

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Y/N is done with dating apps, so Penelope decides to set her best friend on a blind date with a man of her choice. Her choice: her co-worker, Dr. Spencer Reid.


You were done with dating apps. You had 4 different apps downloaded onto your phone and after a few years of unsuccessful dates, let alone relationships, you were deleting them from your phone. There was no reason to have the apps if you weren't going to use them.

"No, Penelope." You shook your head, eyeing up the colorfully dressed woman.

You had known Penelope since you both were teens. You met her a few months after her 18th birthday. You comforted her when her parents died. You lost contact with her in the years prior to her job at the FBI, but when she did join the BAU, she was the one to contact you. After a few coffee dates, you and Penelope reconnected and soon, you were inseparable again, just like you were when you were teens.

"Please, please, please! With a cherry on top?" Penelope begged as you both walked to a local coffee shop.

"I'm done with dating, Penny. Every time I go on a date, something happens and either he doesn't call me, or I don't call him." You exhaled.

"Look. My friend, Spencer, I think he's the perfect guy for you." Penelope told.

"The 'perfect guy'? What about him makes him the 'perfect guy' for me?" You chuckled.

"You'll have to find out, if you go on a date with him." Penelope teased.

"How old is he?" You asked, slightly curious.

"28. Only 2 years older than you." Penelope explained.

"Fine. One date, that's it." You caved.

"Yes, yes, yes! Perfect! I will let him know this afternoon! How does this Saturday at 8 PM sound?" Penelope asked.

"Sure, I guess. But, Penelope I swear, if this turns into another shitty date, I will never speak to you again." You warned.

"I promise, you will be thanking me! He'll be picking you up from your apartment." Penelope smiled.

"Great. You're giving some guy that I don't know my address. That's totally what best friends do." You rolled your eyes.

"You don't know him, but I do. I promise he's not some serial killer. In fact...he catches them for a living." Penelope muttered the last part of her sentence but you caught what she said.

"He works with you?! Penelope!" You groaned.

"What! Why does that make you mad?" Penelope asked, confused.

"Because, if the date goes bad, I don't want you making your friendship with him at work awkward! And besides, if the date does go badly, I don't want to have to see him every time I decide to come visit you at work." You explained.

"I guarantee that you and Spencer will hit it off." Penelope winked.

"We'll just see about that." You chuckled.


You sat on your couch for a few hours. Part of you was calm, knowing that if Penelope trusted this man, than you should too. But there was still part of you that was cautious. Every minute that passed, you secretly hoped that your phone would go off and you'd see the three words:

'Got a case'

Those three words would then allow you to push your meeting with Spencer back a little longer, although Penelope would most likely set up a date as soon as he was back in town.

Unexpectedly, at 7:45 PM, a knock came from behind your front door. You walked over, looked through the peephole and sighed, realising that it was Spencer.

"Wow. You look beautiful." He smiled, trying to hide his blush. You had worn a rosy red dress that stopped just above your knees and you wore nude heels. You had a few bracelets on your wrists, your mother's necklace resting on your chest and a light face of makeup. You hair was let down, slightly curled.

"Thank you. You must be Spencer Reid? Penelope's co-worker?" You asked.

"I am. It's nice to meet you, Y/N." He nodded.

"T- These are for you." He handed you a small bouquet of flowers.

"Let me put these into water, and then we can go." You told, quickly leaving him alone for a few moments before returning.

As he drove you both to the restaurant, you studied his appearance. His hair was short, boy-band short. He wore a navy blue shirt with a purple tie, a light brown sweater-vest holding his shirt and tie in place. He donned black slacks with black and white converse, his socks mismatched.

"Your socks are cute. Mismatched is the only way to go." You told, trying to start a conversation.

"Yeah. My grandma once told me that mismatched socks bring good luck. Haven't worn a normal pair of socks since." Spencer told, smiling.

"Your grandma is a smart woman." You nodded.


For the remainder of the night, you couldn't deny that maybe Penelope was right. His IQ of 187, his eidetic memory and his ability to read 20,000 words per minute were only the tip of the iceberg. As soon as he mentioned his love for books, you were hooked. Suddenly, you were discussing the works of Edgar Allen Poe. You also managed to impress him when you told him that you could read books in 3 different languages; Russian, French and German.

By the time Spencer drove you back to your apartment, you didn't want the night to end. For the first time in years, a date was a success. You could see a few more dates...and even a relationship. You let Spencer leave your apartment with a light kiss to his cheek, hoping that maybe one day soon, you'd be able to let him leave your apartment with an actual kiss instead.

After getting undressed and ready for bed, you dialled Penelope's number, waiting for her cheery voice.

"I totally wasn't sitting on my bed waiting for you to call." Penelope chuckled.

"I only have one thing to say to you." You exhaled.

"And that is?" She sounded excited.

"Thank you Penelope." You thanked her, hearing the squealing on her side of the call.

"OMG! Tell me everything! How'd it go?" She asked.

"I will tell you how it went...tomorrow, during our morning coffee." You teased.

"...cheeky." Penelope gasped.

"Talk to you tomorrow, Penny." You chuckled, ending the call.

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