Saved by Dr. Reid

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Y/N's family was murdered. An attempt was made on her life 24 hours later. It's because of Spencer that she's still alive.


At 24 years old, Y/N never...ever thought she'd be arranging the details for her family's funeral. But there she was, sitting in Agent Rossi's office within the BAU bullpen, discussing the burial plans for her mother, father, sister and brother.

A month prior, Y/N and her sister were arriving at their family home after a year away at college and a year-long trip to Europe. Y/N's sister, Megan - 31, stayed with their mother, brother and father while Y/N headed out to grab some dinner from their local Chinese place. 15 minutes later, Y/N returned to her home and everything seemed normal. All the lights were on. The door was closed, but unlocked, welcoming her back. But, the home was anything but normal from the inside. She walked down the hallway that led to the middle of the house. Within moments, the Chinese food that rested neatly in its packaging was all over the floor, creating an even bigger mess. In the kitchen rested the bodies of her mother and father surrounded by piles of glass. Right across from the kitchen bench, Megan's body rested next to the kitchen table with 5 smashes plates nearby. Y/N turned to her left, seeing her 21-year-old brother - Jamie's - body resting on the couch in the living room. All of them had the same wounds, scaring Y/N. 10 minutes later the police, plus the FBI, were at Y/N's home inspecting the place. When they found Y/N, she was rocking back at forth near her parents, tears streaming down her face.

Since then, she's had to relive the tragedy through interviews and look at the images of her family's dead bodies. It was because of her that the FBI's Behavioral Analysis Unit discovered why her family was murdered. It turned out that her family was the third family in 6 months to end up dead. Why her family was targeted, that was yet to be discovered.

The morning after her family's death, Y/N was tired. She had given all the information she knew to the BAU and wanted to sleep. So, Agent Hotchner sent his youngest Agent to make sure Y/N got to her hotel safely. Y/N knew that the Agent - Dr. Spencer Reid - was sent to keep her safe because he was closest to her in age (25). She had been told this by Agent Prentiss when Dr. Reid was initially tasked with her safety.

Deep down, Spencer knew that the killer would come back. The moment Y/N's survival was plastered all over the news, Spencer understood that her life would be in danger because there was no doubt that the unsub would see it. He kept his holster open, his eyes constantly glancing around to make sure no one would try to kill her.

"Can you take me back?" Y/N turned her head as Spencer drove to the hotel.

"Back to the station?" Spencer asked.

"B- Back to the house. I want to get a few things." Y/N asked, trying not to cry.

"We'll spend a few minutes there, then we'll head to the hotel. My boss won't like us lingering there." Spencer told right as he turned down a particular street, leading them to the house.

10 minutes later, Y/N was standing at the entrance to her home. The door had been marked with yellow and back police tape, sealing off the house from the rest of the street. Spencer let her walk inside, trying to keep himself and Y/N safe. While Spencer did his job, keeping them safe, Y/N was walking through her home, on her way to her room. She grabbed an old duffle bag from her closet and stuffed a bunch of her things into it; clothes, makeup, pictures.

She moved into her brother's room and picked up his old stuffed animal, shoving it into her bag - for years she used the stuffed animal to calm Jamie down when he was upset. She went to her sister's room and grabbed the red blanket that resided neatly packed under the bed - it was the first thing Y/N always grabbed whenever her and Megan planned a movie night. Going up the stairs, Y/N went into her parents bedroom. She grabbed her mother's pillow, as it was always the comfiest. Before she left the bedroom, she grabbed her father's old sweater, as it was the only sweater he wore whenever he and Y/N went on their weekly walks when she was a kid.

The walk down stairs was difficult for Y/N. She knew that once she left the house, the next time she'd be there would be when she was either moving stuff into her apartment, or throwing things away so the house could be sold. Y/N saw the sliding door near the living room.

"Dad hated when we left the sliding door open. It was either the screen door locked and the sliding door open or both locked." Y/N chuckled, walking over to lock both doors. Before Y/N had the chance to register the man hiding beneath the stairs, the man was moving from his position, holding both a gun and a knife. He went to stab Y/N in the chest like he had done to her family, but he himself barely got the chance to hold her at gun point before Spencer had his gun out, three bullets firing toward the man.

Y/N jumped out of the way in fear while the man who just tried to killer fell to the floor, blood pouring out of his shoulder and forehead. Just before running to comfort the terrified woman, Spencer sent a message to Emily and to Hotch, hoping they'd see it soon.

"H- He...he tried t- to fucking k- kill me." Y/N cried out, gripping the sweater-vest that Spencer was wearing as he held her in his arms, trying to calm her down.


The BAU's investigation had been over for weeks now. After the man was killed by Spencer, his team did a background check on him to determine whether he was in fact the unsub they were looking for, or simply some idiot robbing a house. The man was indeed the unsub, who had gone back to finish the job he started after finding out that Y/N had lived.

It was because of Dr. Spencer Reid that Y/N was still alive. She thought about that every night. The - very cute - doctor had invaded her nightmares every night and turned them into dreams. Sometimes, the nightmare would end the same way - Y/N crying into Spencer's shoulder as the man who tried to kill her lay dead on the carpet behind her. But sometimes, the nightmare-turned dream would end very differently. The first thing she though after these dreams was 'oh, it's just me romanticising him because he saved me.', but that thought quickly went away when, after a few weeks, the dreams got steamier.

Suddenly, Y/N's feelings toward the man were more than just a crush, or a result of him saving her. So, she looked him up on the internet. She found his contact information and sent him an email that he responded to less than 2 hours later. It was then an hour after his response that he and Y/N sat at a coffee shop during his lunch break.

"I wanted to thank you for, you know, saving my life." Y/N smiled, sipping her coffee.

"You don't have to thank me. It's my job." Spencer exhaled.

"No. You deserve to be thanked for what you did. You killed the man before he managed to hurt me." Y/N insisted.

"Like I said, it's my job. I would've never forgiven myself if I let you get hurt, let alone killed." Spencer told.

"Well, regardless, I'd like to thank you by taking you on a date." Y/N spoke, seeing Spencer's eyes widen.

"I- I...don't think that's a good idea. I're probably still grieving your family's death. Besides, I don't think it's wise for me to go on a date with a victim from a case that I worked." Spencer shook his head.

"The case was solved a month ago, right? That means I'm not a victim anymore. I'm just a woman asking a handsome man out on a date as a 'thank you' for saving my life." Y/N smiled.

"I- I...fine. I'll go out with you." Spencer gave in, chuckling.

"Perfect. If you don't have a case by tomorrow afternoon, come to my apartment tomorrow night. I'm sure your friend Miss. Garcia can help you out with my address." Y/N pushed a piece of paper toward Spencer.

"Here's my number. Goodbye, Dr. Reid." Y/N told before leaving the coffee shop.

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