Good night, my love

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Y/N knew she wouldn't be around for much longer, but of course, she made sure Spencer could live a happy and fulfilled life without her.


I was the one who found her. Y/N had been acting secretive for months, and one day, I couldn't take it anymore. I had this horrible gut feeling and I asked Penelope to help me find out what Y/N was hiding. We only got one name from 4 hours worth of digging around - Mason Cartway. That one name opened up a whole can of worms and by the time the day was up, we knew that Y/N had gotten herself into some deep shit.

After 27 hours of phone tracking, searching different locations and unanswered messages, the team and I finally got a good signal on Y/N's phone. We sped toward the location shown on Penelope's computers, but what we found was terrifying.

It was an abandoned house, its owners long dead. Right in the middle of the living room rested Y/N, who had a knife poking out of her abdomen, her - once beige - shirt now stained with her blood. A male body was a few feet away, his cause of death clearly being a single gunshot wound, execution style.

I ran toward her with tears pricking my eyes. I thought that maybe we had found her just in time, but when I got closer to her, I noticed that the life in her eyes were long gone, her skin was pale and she was cold. There was no pulse.

The coroner later informed me (being her husband of nearly two years) that she had been dead for at least 4 hours prior to being found, her cause of death being the single stab wound to her abdomen. With that, my once happy future with her was actually gone and I knew I'd never be the same.

1 week after Y/N's death, I handed in my resignation, feeling that being at the BAU wouldn't be the same without Y/N around to make good jokes, or to correct us by pointing out that the unsub was a woman. 2 weeks after Y/N's funeral, I returned to Vegas to be closer to my mom, and I got a teaching job at the local college.


One condition I had to adhere to in order for Penelope to let me leave the BAU was I had to call her twice a month to check in. I stuck to this schedule, either simply calling her, or using mine and Y/N's shared laptop to skype her.

During one specific skype call, in which I was 15 minutes late for because I couldn't find the charger for the laptop, Penelope informed me that there would be a small parcel arriving at my home soon. Low and behold, a knock on my front door resulted in a mailman handing me a small yellow package with my name written in Y/N's handwriting. For 6 hours, I left the package on my kitchen bench, not wanting to be reminded of the future that I lost when Y/N died. But, eventually, I opened the package and held a small white note in my hands.

Do not open until after my funeral.

- Your wife, Y/N. Xx

Putting the note down, I shakily removed the item from the package, confused when I saw nothing but a USB. With help from Penelope, I managed to get the one video up on the laptop screen, Y/N's face clear as day. Just looking at her face made me want to break down and cry, but with enough strength, I pressed play, watching as the video loaded for a few seconds.

"Hello Spencer. It's your wife, Y/N, obviously. If you're watching this video, then something bad happened and I didn't make it. Now, I need you to understand before I continue that NONE of this was your fault. You didn't do anything wrong. What I did, - I'll explain - I did to protect you."

I almost stopped the video right there. But I didn't. I let it keep going, knowing I had to watch it sooner, rather than later.

"I'm sorry for keeping you in the dark in the months leading up to my death. Half of me wanted to say something. Maybe if I had, my death could've been avoided. To be honest, I knew that if I did somehow survive, I would've asked Penelope to erase this video from existence. I told her that I had made a video for you, and that you were the only person to watch it. I ended up not saying a word to you and our team. I made that choice because I would've rather fight the battle alone and keep you all safe, rather than fight with you and our team and lose one or more of you. This danger was my problem to deal with."

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