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Y/N Y/L/N and Spencer Reid, two Agents from two different units. Y/N does undercover take-downs and extractions. Spencer Reid uses profiling to find and apprehend unsubs. One case requires both units to team up, and the two young Agents fit the victimology.


Y/N loved doing undercover work. As a child, Y/N loved being part of her school productions and even studied theatre in college. This is why she was almost always chosen to go undercover - she studied her undercover personas like an actor would study to prepare for a role. She also believed that undercover work was more fun than sitting around creating a profile to catch a serial killer.

Spencer couldn't ever see himself working for another division of the FBI. Being a profiler for the BAU allowed him to do what he was good at - use his extensive knowledge and IQ of 187 to find criminals and put them behind bars. 90 percent of his job required him to come up with a profile for an unsub and fill out paperwork. Finding and aprehening the unsub was the other 10 percent of his job.

So, it was a shock to both Agents when they each discovered that one case required two different units to combine their rescourses. At 9 AM on Tuesday morning, Andi Swan and Y/N stood in the BAU's conference room, the whole team standing next to them.

"I'm sure all of you remember Agent Andi Swan?" Hotch asked as he eyed each member of his team.

"Sure do." Rossi nodded.

"It's nice to see all of you again, but I do wish it were under better circumstances." Andi nodded as Hotch gestured for Garcia to press a button on her remote.

"Right you are, Agent Swan. Okay, here's the situation. Rochester police are convinced that there is a human trafficing ring in their city." Garcia explained.

"What makes them think that?" Morgan asked, confused.

"6 years ago 3 different couples went missing in Rochester all throughout the year. Their bodies were found 2 weeks after being taken, all of the bodies showing signs of typical trafficking behaviour - bruises and cuts all over their bodies. Flash forward to 4 weeks ago. Taylor and Jonathan went missing, their bodies discovered two weeks ago. Millicent and Henry, our newest couple to go missing." Garcia explained.

"Why do you need us? This seems like a case for your team." Prentiss noted, looking at Andi.

"Usually, yes. But this time, it's different. We have a rough idea of how the leader of this ring finds and takes the couples, but we haven't gotten any closer to identifying the leader." Andi exhaled.

"So, you want us to profile the unsub, while you do the field work?" JJ asked, clarifiying.

"Not exactly..." Andi shook her head.

"This is Agent Y/N Y/L/N. She is the best undercover Agent we have in our task force. She fits the general victimology of the women that are taken, so when we have a viable suspect, we're going to send her in and lure him out into the open, and maybe we can take him down." Andi gestured to Y/N, who waved to everyone.

"What Andi hasn't mentioned is none of our male collegues fit the victimology of the men that are taken, so we were wondering if Dr. Reid would like to assist in the take-down." Y/N looked at Dr. Reid, who immediately widened his eyes.

"Are you sure that's a good idea? He's not exactly qualified for these types of take-downs." Morgan shook his head.

"To clarify, he'd simply be acting as Y/N's partner in order to lure the man out. He won't be directly involved in taking the leader down." Andi explained.

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