The voice message

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Neither Y/N nor Spencer ever thought one voice message could cause so much to change.


24-year-old Y/N Y/L/N and 26-year-old Spencer Reid were wildly different.

Y/N was outgoing. She loved going out with her friends on her days off. She wasn't the type of person to want a real relationship. Every single man she'd ever slept with or attempt to date had ended badly. She had also been the 'shoulder to cry on' when one of her best friends got out of a bad relationship. To her, dating would be the last thing to do before she died.

Spencer was quite the opposite. He was introverted. He liked the idea of staying home and reading a book, or watching Dr. Who while his team went out for drinks. He wanted a relationship, but working for the FBI - let alone the BAU - brought many fears into his life. Fears that included (but weren't limited to) losing his partner to an unsub or not being a good partner because he was away all the time. He loved his job at the BAU, and so dating was the last thing on his mind.

A night out drinking and dancing was exactly Y/N's type of scene, but Derek had to physically stop Spencer from pulling down the street that led to his apartment complex. He reassured Spencer that he didn't have to drink, at all, but all Derek wanted was for Spencer to come. The case they had come from ended very well, - and that was rare - so Rossi offered to pay for a night out and Derek wasn't going to let Spencer get away.

So, that's how Y/N and Spencer ended up at the same bar at 11 PM on a Saturday night. Surprisingly, Spencer was the one to initiate the conversation between him and Y/N. He tried, with all his might, to refrain from spouting statistics, and he succeeded. At this point, Spencer had consumed a few shots (he felt left out and wanted to try and be normal for once) and was feeling confident. He wasn't thinking clearly, which is why when Y/N suggested they go back to her place, he didn't hesitate to agree.

Y/N had an unopened bottle of alcohol in her pantry and by the time 1 AM came, the entire bottle was gone. Most of it went to Y/N, but Spencer had quite a bit as well. Once the alcohol was consumed, that's when the real fun began. Passionate kisses were shared, clothes were quickly torn off and thrown around the room. Spencer was so under the influence of alcohol that he had completely forgotten that he had never had sex before. He had kissed a woman once - while on a case in L.A. - but apart from that, he'd never done anything remotely sexual with any woman. It helped a bit that Y/N took control, not seeing Spencer as the dominant type.

Flash forward 4 hours. A buzzing sound woke Spencer up from his dream at 5 AM. He sat up in a bed that wasn't his, and immediately blushed at the sight of a woman next to him. Judging by how soft her comforter was, he (rightly) assumed that he wasn't wearing any clothes. His assumption was correct, as every article of clothing he had on hours before was strewn messily on this woman's bedroom floor, close to where her clothes were also strewn. He looked down at the woman next to him and smiled slightly. He didn't know her first name, only her last name - Y/L/N. Knowing that the buzzing was probably Hotch calling the team in for another case, Spencer got up and got dressed. He walked out to her kitchen and stopped for a moment. Not much information was shared last night between him and the woman currently sleeping. The only information shared was last names, no first names, occupations, etc. For the first time ever, a woman had actually taken a liking to him (why else would she have agreed to sleep with him) and his job hadn't been mentioned once. To her, he was just a random man she slept with. To him, she was just a random woman he slept with while heavily drunk.

That thought prompted him to leave his number and his last name on a note for her to find when she woke up. Feeling content with what he had just done, he exited her apartment and headed to his own, needing to freshen up - and find a way to get rid of his pounding headache - before heading into work.

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