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During a case, the unsub manages to capture Spencer and hold him hostage. Y/N is given a choice: save her crush - Spencer, or jump off the side of the large building to save the victim. She creates her own choice.


The case had gone from bad, to worse. The unsub, Randall Thompson, took straight couples, the males being tall brunettes who weren't necessarily well-built, and the females being short blondes. His latest victim - Harley Morrison - was a perfect match for his victimology. Unfortunately, Harley was single and didn't have any partners. Throughout the entire case, Thompson only took couples who matched his victimology, making sure the man or woman had a partner who fit. Thompson having taken Harley was a change the team didn't expect. Whether or not he'd take a male fitting his victimology, that was unknown.

"Spencer, it's Y/N. Hotch wants you and Emily to surveil Thompson's house. He probably won't be there, but he might come back." Y/N left a message, confused as to why Spencer wasn't answering his phone.

"Hey guys...we might have a problem." JJ eyed the board, holding up an image of Spencer on her phone.

"You found something, JJ?" Derek turned to JJ.

"James, Phillip, Tristan, they all look like someone we know." JJ showed the image of Spencer.

"Are you saying Thompson might've taken Reid because Harley Morrison didn't have a partner who fit his victimology?" Rossi raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"Reid does fit. We profiled that Thompson would've injected himself into the investigation. Maybe he took Harley, faked his way into a 'witness interview' with us and saw him?" Derek suggested.

"If that's the case, we need to find them ASAP." Hotch insisted, dialling Garcia's number.

35 minutes later, Garcia had an address for the team to check out. Before the team breached the building, Y/N stopped.

"Let me go in alone." Y/N insisted, her heart racing.

There was no doubt in Y/N's mind that Spencer would be used as leverage. The only way the Harley would be let go is if Spencer's life was forfeited.

"No way. You're not going in there alone." Hotch shook his head.

"Thompson will not let Harley go unless Spencer forfeits his life. I think I have a way to get both of them out of harms way." Y/N told.

"You are not fully trained in hostage negotiation. There is a 90 percent chance that Thompson will kill both Harley and Reid if you say...or do the wrong thing." Hotch glared at her.

"Please Hotch. I have a plan." Y/N exhaled, waiting for his approval.

"If either of them die, it's on you." Hotch relented.

Watching as Y/N holstered her weapon and walked inside the building, Emily looked at Hotch.

"Are you seriously going to let her negotiate with Thompson?" Emily questioned.

"Y/N seems to have a plan...whereas none of us had one." Hotch shrugged his shoulders.

2 minutes later, Y/N walked into the largest room of the building, seeing both Spencer and Harley tied to separate chairs.

"DON'T MOVE, OR THEY'RE DEAD." Thompson insisted.

"Randall Thompson, I'm SSA Y/N Y/L/N with the FBI. You don't have to hurt them." Y/N kept calm, even while looking at Spencer's bloodied face.

"Don't tell me what I do and don't have to do, bitch." Thompson glared at her.

"Let them go, Randall." Y/N told.

"Only one of you is leaving here alive. You want Harley to live? You kill yourself and Dr. Reid. You want Dr. Reid to live? You kill yourself and Harley." Thompson bargained.

"You want me to choose who'll live and who'll die?" Y/N asked.

"Either way, you won't live long enough to see the sunrise." Thompson nodded.

"That's it?" Y/N exhaled.

"Hurry up and make your choice before I kill all of you." Thompson groaned.

"Let Harley live. She's innocent." Y/N breathed.

"It was nice getting to watch you squirm, Harley." Thompson let her go, pushing her toward the exit. Y/N made sure she was safely out of danger before facing Thompson again.

"No one survives falling from a high place. You're gonna push Dr. Reid off the roof and them jump after him." Thompson explained.

"We're going to the roof?" Y/N clarified, hoping the team outside would get the message.

"We'll get a rescue mattress outside the building out of sight of Thompson. Keep him distracted." Y/N heard Hotch speaking through the comms system.

Y/N took a moment to compose herself before following Thompson and Reid up to the roof.

"Now, no death is perfect without a final word. You have anything you want to say to your betrayer, Dr. Reid?" Thompson pushed Spencer closer to the edge, worrying Y/N.

"I've got nothing to say." Spencer shook his head.

"Ouch. SSA Y/L/N, what about you?" Thompson questioned. Y/N turned to face Thompson, seeing Rossi quietly moving behind him, as to get a sneak attack.

"I love you, Spencer." Y/N closed her eyes. She knew that what she was about to say would come off to the team listening as a way to distract Thompson.

"Oh, now I have to hear this." Thompson glared at Y/N.

"I'm sorry that I picked such a shitty time to tell you that, but it's true. I love you so damn much. I've loved you for years now and I haven't had the courage to tell you sooner." Y/N could see Thompson was distracted by her sudden expression of love.

"How sweet. Too bad you're both about to die. Push him." Thompson nudged Y/N with the gun in his hand. She moved toward Spencer, her eyes glancing down at the slightly view of the rescue mattress below. Spencer saw what she was looking at and gave her permission before closing his eyes. With a solid shove, Spencer was falling off the building's roof and falling on the rescue mattress.

"Huh. I thought I'd here more of a crunch." Thompson complained before nudging Y/N closer to the edge.

"Jump." He insisted. Y/N nodded and leaned back, falling off the building's roof. When he didn't hear any sounds, he walked toward the edge and yelled in anger before he himself was pushed off by Rossi, falling onto the rescue mattress. Derek rolled Thompson over and handcuffed him before he had the chance to escape.

Y/N and Spencer, both of whom were taking a moment to breathe, stood near the SUV's.

"What you said up there...did you mean it? Or were you distracting Thompson long enough for the rescue mattress to be set up?" Spencer questioned.

"I've never lied to anyone." Y/N reminded him.

"I- I- I love you too." Spencer was clearly shocked to hear that what Y/N said was true.

Spencer was more than happy to hear about Y/N's love for him. Without missing a beat, Spencer pulled Y/N in for a gentle kiss, a kiss she happily reciprocated.

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