Video games

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Spencer plays Mortal Kombat against Derek and Emily for the first time. Y/N enjoys watching him win.


For Jack Hotchner's 17th birthday, Derek decided that the game 'Mortal Kombat X' would be a good game for Jack to have - with Hotch's permission of course. Even with the graphic imagery, Hotch relented (thanks to a convincing conversation with Rossi), and allowed Jack to play the game.

So, over Jack's birthday weekend, his friends came around to celebrate and play the game. Once they went home, Jack challenged Derek to a round. Round after round, loss after loss, Derek gave up, realising that Jack was a true master at the game. Emily, who loved watching Derek lose, had a crack, losing 3 rounds against Jack.

"Christ, kid! You've played what, like 3 hours of this game and you're already a pro?" Derek chuckled as Emily groaned after watching her chosen character get killed.

"It's just button mashing." Jack shrugged his shoulders.

"Can anyone else imagine Spencer playing this game?" Y/N whispered to Derek and Emily.

"Spencer...playing Mortal Kombat way." Emily shook her head.

"Y/N might be on to something." Derek eyed Spencer, who was pouring some more soda into his cup.

"Hey, Spencer? Can you come here?" Y/N called out, earning Spencer's attention. He walked over to the couch, confused.

"What's up?" Spencer questioned.

"We'd like you to try this video game." Y/N showed Spencer the disc cover.

"" Spencer shook his head, denying Y/N's request.

"Please! Please, with a cherry on top?" Y/N begged her best friend.

"Y/N..." Spencer tried to move away.

"If you play this game once, none of us will EVER ask you to play a video game again." Y/N insisted.

"Fine." Spencer exhaled, sitting down. It looked funny watching Spencer trying to understand the controller in his hand.

For the next minute or so, Y/N explained the game to Spencer, giving him a brief plot synopsis. Once that was covered, she showed him the list of characters he could play and showed him which buttons did specific actions.

"We'll give you a chance to practice before you go up against Jack-attack." JJ smiled.

Spencer proceeded with a single-player match. He almost won, but got lost in all the actions available and lost. Once he had a practice round down, Jack clicked a few buttons before choosing his character. Spencer chose another character, stretching his fingers slightly to prepare. He was clearly worried about making a fool of himself, but after glancing at Jack's movements with his controller every few moments, Spencer found a rhythm to the game and managed to beat Jack twice. Everyone was surprised, even Spencer himself.

As soon as he saw Jack's character get knocked down with the match ending, he had a huge smile on his face.

"You might've just met your match, Jack." Y/N chuckled as Jack swapped with Derek, giving Spencer a chance to go up against other people.

Once again, Spencer managed to win 4 matches against Derek, proving that he was surprisingly gifted at this game. Y/N immediately assumed that Spencer had found a winning tactic - like he did with all other games he'd played with the team.

Emily went up against Spencer. She won one time, losing the other 5 times she went up against him. Even Y/N, JJ and Penelope had a go against him.

An hour and 45 minutes passed, with Spencer eventually handing his controller to Derek so he could go against Emily.

"I am NEVER playing video games again." Spencer insisted, standing up to move away from the couch.

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