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Walking out of the restaurant with their fingers interlocked, Leon and Katy made their way to a nearby bench and sat down peacefully to rest their legs. It's honestly amazing how their bodies haven't given up on them yet. Hours and hours of walking and running and still, their legs are going strong. The human body is quite a powerful machine sometimes.

The wooden bench was placed on a sidewalk that was near a trail that hikers would often take and Leon noticed there were blue blossom bushes surrounding the area. Hardworking bees buzzed in the distance, taking the pollen from each blossom as they flew past them, which Katy admired as one of them landed on the back of her hand. The honeybee's cute, fluffy little body that shined in the sunlight caused Katy's lips to curve into a small smile while it rested there for a moment. She wasn't always too fond of bees, but when it comes to honeybees, it's a different story.

"You aren't afraid the bee might sting you?" Leon was watching carefully as Katy allowed the bee to make a pit-stop on her hand. She was so calm with everything she did. Leon was starting to wonder if anything ever freaked her out.

"Honeybees rarely sting. It's the wasps that attack you for no reason at all. I hate those things." As she spoke, the honeybee fluttered its wings and began to slowly fly away from them. "I love honeybees. They're not bothering anyone, they truly are only here to collect pollen and leave. They come out to work and then go back to the hive. I love that about them."

That was a good point. It's natural to fear bees when you're allergic, but Katy didn't have a problem with the insect. She only ever hated it when wasps or hornets were around her, but honestly, who likes any of those bugs? They're cruel.

"I never thought about that. Huh, are you some bee enthusiast?" Leon gently nudged her with his elbow, smiling as they enjoyed their time together on the bench. It was really nice to finally be able to sit together and enjoy each other's company without having to worry about man-eating zombies popping up from every corner. Leon got more comfortable on the bench, leaning back and sitting in a type of "manspreading" position which caught Katy's eye for a moment. The sudden change in position colored her cheeks a shade of pink.

"No, I'm not a 'bee enthusiast'. I just read about bees a lot when I was younger." Katy shrugged, trying her hardest to ignore how attractive she found Leon right now. What is it about manspreading that's so appealing? Every time a man does it, Katy is left swooning. "I like insects."

"Oh? What's your favorite one?" Katy had to be honest with herself right now. It was a bit difficult to keep up the conversation with Leon when he's sitting in this position. Still, she somehow managed to get a hold of herself so she could answer him properly.

"I like butterflies." Katy shrugged again when she answered, thinking about it again for a moment before continuing with her explanation. "And ladybugs. Ladybugs are neat, too."

"Ladybugs, eh? Tell me why you like them." He's doing this on purpose, isn't he....

"Uh....Well, they're pretty...." She shrugged yet again, not really finding a better way to respond to this conversation. Leon noticed this hesitation, so he decided to be a bit more cheeky with it and scoot closer to her, wrapping his arm around her shoulder as he remained in that comfortable position he was in while on the bench. As red as Katy's cheeks were getting from this intimacy, she couldn't deny that her heart was quite content with what was taking place. She's been wanting to get this close to him for a long time, why complain now that it's finally happening?

"Pretty? Is that all you like about them, hm?" Leon gently pushed a strand of her hair behind her ear, stroking her cheek with the back of his hand while he gazed lovingly into her gorgeous green eyes. He could feel Katy trembling underneath his touch. He relished that feeling quite a lot, but Katy was feeling frustrated inside. He always knows how to make her blush and it gets annoying sometimes.

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