Carefree Moments

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Neptune rubbed against Leon's legs, purring loudly once again while the rookie cop bent down to scratch the feline's head. It hasn't even been fifteen minutes and the cat is already warming up to Leon. That definitely says a lot about what kind of person Leon proves himself to be. If a cat trusts you, that means you must genuinely be a trustworthy human being.

When Leon continued to stroke Neptune's fur, he couldn't help but notice the collar that the feline wore around his neck. It was a velvet, teal collar with a silver bell that was connected to a charm which appeared to be a planet. It looked very similar to the same planet charm that Katy had as a keychain. He couldn't help but wonder if they were interconnected somehow.

"Can I ask what planet that is?" Leon inquired as he continued to examine the charm on Neptune's collar. The answer to his question should be very clear, considering the planet that this cat is named after.

"That's Neptune....I thought that was obvious." Katy chuckled a bit as she answered. The charm was a round, sparkly circle that was a beautiful light blue color. It was most definitely the same charm Katy had on her keychain. "I named him Neptune because that's my favorite planet."

"Oh, I see. Is that also why you have a keychain of that same planet?"

"Yup! My key is also blue to match the planet's color. I'm kind of an astronomy and astrology nerd." This statement and the way she said it caused Leon to chuckle a bit. She's so deadpan sometimes, that it genuinely gets confusing to tell whether or not she's joking.

"Well, there's absolutely nothing wrong with being a nerd. They're the best people to be around, actually. They're my favorite." And he's not just saying that because Katy's a nerd. He genuinely enjoys being around people who know a thing or two about geeky things.

If Leon was trying to color Katy's cheeks the deepest shade of pink by that comment, he would be succeeding. There's something about getting Leon's approval that makes her heart flutter because for once, she feels acknowledged and...well, accepted.

"You don't think nerds are annoying?"

"No? Why the hell would I? I love nerds. You guys are always so passionate about the things you're into. Honestly, I find that to be quite sexy. Passion is attractive." Leon gently teased her just so he could see those cheeks get redder. Still, despite his obvious intention of making her blush as hard as she can, there was a thick layer of truth behind his words. Passion is a very attractive trait in anyone. Well, a healthy amount of it, anyway.

"Oh, stop it...." Katy couldn't stop smiling. If she was the embodiment of any emotion, it'd definitely be bashfulness.

"You want me to stop? You sure? Because those pink cheeks are telling me you like it when I make you blush like this." Leon continued to tease her with a gentle chuckle, walking up to her and pushing her head to the side so she could face him instead of hiding her red cheeks behind her jet black hair. If only she understood just how gorgeous she is to him when she blushes like this. She's like a very exquisite piece of art that a collector would want in their museum.

"I've said it so many times before, but please stop hiding your face when you blush. You're so cute when you're flushed, it's a shame when you feel the need to conceal it like that." Leon's teasing was put to the side now and instead, he chose a much more tender way to approach this. After all, he genuinely meant what he said. Those pink cheeks of hers, the way she smiles when he compliments her, and her shy tendencies? All of those traits make her the biggest ten he's ever seen.

"Why are you so sweet....I don't understand how someone can be so goddamn sweet...." Katy whispered as she melted into his touch, looking up at his sapphire blue eyes with nothing but love and adoration. This man is her American king.

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