She's Still My Angel

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After moments of laying there and snoring the night away, Leon slowly began to open his exhausted eyes, rubbing them shortly after adorably sneezing to rid his sinuses of all the dust he had been forced to inhale throughout this whole adventure. After rubbing his eyes and sneezing the debris away, he noticed Katy had been sleeping peacefully with her head rested beautifully on his lap. If he wasn't so groggy and confused right now he'd be blushing, but his mind was too busy with stirred up thoughts to let him get engulfed in any feelings of romance.

"Katy....Katy, wake up...." Leon spoke sleepily as he rubbed his eyes a second time. He yawned and gently shook Katy's arm, doing his very best to pull her out of dreamland and back into reality where she needs to be.

"There's no time to rest....We need to get Ada....Katy, come on." Leon shook her once again, this time gently caressed her cheek with the back of his index finger in an attempt to stimulate her senses and cause her to finally jerk awake. He never knew she could be such a deep sleeper. She must be painfully exhausted.

"My little Angel...." Leon softly smiled, kissing her cheek in an affectionate manner as he continued to caress her cheek. He then stretched where he sat, cracked the air bubbles in the joints of his neck, and immediately noticed the side of his neck seemed to be a little bumpy....Almost like it's healing after something had punctured inside his skin.

"That's a strange feeling...." Leon whispered to himself as he kept his hand on his neck. He couldn't seem to remember much about what happened before he passed out, all he knows is that after that nap he not only felt rejuvenated, he felt almost completely physically infused with a ridiculous amount of strength. Almost like he had been injected with steroids. He doesn't know why he feels this way, but he's never felt better a day in his life.

"Katy....Come on, sweetheart, wake up." Leon then kissed her temple, his breath gently tickling her skin where she laid. This seemed to be enough to get her to finally fly back down to earth and leave dreamland. She began to stir in her sleep, groaning softly as she stretched.

"...hmm?...." Katy asked groggily, causing Leon to softly smile and kiss her cheek once again.

"Have a nice nap?" Leon teased as he pulled her in close for a brief cuddle. As soon as Katy saw he was awake and very much alive, her eyes widened in excitement and glee. If he's alive and healthy, that means her plan to revive him was successful. She was so relieved, she felt like crying tears of joy.

"Leon!" Katy wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him in close and burying her face into his chest as she embraced him like he was the most precious piece of gold anyone could ever hold. Her embrace was almost suffocating, but that's how Leon liked it.

"Woah, calm down. You're hugging me like I'm about to fly away!" Leon laughed as he wrapped his arms around her back, resting his cheek on the crown of her head as he enjoyed the warmth of this hug.

"I'm so happy you're okay....Thank God you're okay...." Katy whispered as she kept her arms around him. Leon could swear that she was crying a little and that broke his heart.

"Hey....It's okay, Angel. I'm here, I'm alive, and I'm okay." Leon gently shushed her, keeping her petite frame held in his sculpted arms.

"I thought I was going to lose you...." Katy's grasp became slightly tighter and more desperate for him not to ever let go. Leon noticed this and immediately held her tighter. He hates to see her this way, it shrivels up his insides with sadness and guilt every time a warm tear falls from one of those innocent green eyes.

"You can't ever lose me, Katy. Not that easily. I'm like a roach, you couldn't kill me if you tried." Katy laughed a little through her tears at his stupid little joke. It's lovely and sweet to know that even when they're in a lonely apocalyptic world, Leon will still do everything he can to make her eyes crinkle up with a smile.

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