Safe & Comfortable

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While Leon was in the shower, Katy continued to rummage through the pile of clothes that were in the relatively large bin full of hand-me-downs. While she was digging through it, she found a few pieces of male jewelry that she didn't even know was stored in there. There were a few beaded bracelets made of tiger's eye, a couple necklaces of the same gemstone, and she even found a few crucifixes that were all black. What caught her attention though, was a necklace made of all black beads that she had identified as black onyx, which was also the same gemstone of the crucifix she had found. She took the crucifix and black onyx beaded necklace and set them aside. Those will be really helpful reference materials in the future.

I wonder what Leon would look like wearing jewelry like this.... Katy thought about it, envisioning him wearing either a crucifix, a tiger's eye beaded necklace, or even the black onyx necklace she had found in the bin and now that those images were in her mind, she found her heart racing a little. Oh how attractive Leon would look in jewelry....He'd quite literally look like a prince.

He'd look so dashing in this type of jewelry....Would he look just as attractive in gothic jewelry, though? How would he look in all black? Or in a pair of studded black earrings?....Oh my god.... She was now smiling to herself. If she didn't stop fantasizing about Leon wearing these certain clothing items, she'd end up exciting herself a little too much.

It's a nice thought, but I doubt he'd actually wear anything like that, even for my sake. Leon's style is more modern and tame. If she knows anything about him, she knows that he would not be so open to wearing anything gothic or dark, even if it was just for a few hours.

Unless I COULD get him to wear something like that for a little bit....Hmm.... The small smile grew into a smirk as she had this intrapersonal discussion. She highly doubted he would, but she could still fantasize. Plus, she has her sketchbook. If her fantasizes ever got that intense, she'd just sketch him in the outfits she'd like to see him in.

While she was deep in her own thoughts, she was interrupted by the sound of her beloved feline meowing a sweet melody from behind her. He came out through the living room area, rubbed against Katy's back, and licked her hand to catch her attention. This sweet little kitty is the cutest ever. "Hey, baby!" Katy exclaimed with affection, stroking Neptune's fur as he rubbed up against her and the walls of the hallway.

Neptune then found Leon's boots, rubbing against them as well and purring like a motorboat while he marked his scent on the shoes. Katy watched him with an endearing smile on her face, calling him over to where she was sitting by gesturing with her fingers for him to come closer.

"You must really like Leon, huh?" Katy kissed his head, pulling him closer to her chest while she covered him in cuddles. "Leon's a good egg. I think you two will be best friends."

Neptune meowed sweetly, almost as if he was responding to the words Katy had been saying to him. "Well, of course I like him too, Neptune....I like him a lot...." Katy smiled to herself, feeling giddy and warm at the thought of the man who she had welcomed into her heart and home. Leon....Those four letters together do things to her mind that she can't even begin to describe.

To her words, Neptune meowed again, this time a bit more loudly. "Pfft, I'm not crazy about him, don't be ridiculous, Neptune! I just....I just really like him...." Katy hummed softly to herself, absentmindedly hugging Neptune tighter to the point where she was nearly suffocating him. He meowed again, almost to protest against her claim that she wasn't obsessed with the young cop.

"I know it's only been a day since I've met Leon, shut up, you." Katy held Neptune up from his underarms, touching his nose with hers while she spoke in a type of "baby" voice to her feline companion. "And hey, I only knew you for a day and I still took you in, didn't I? Quit judging." She kissed his nose, setting him down and getting up to follow him into the kitchen. Just like any typical pet, he went straight to his food bowl. He must be starving since he had not yet eaten breakfast and it was past noon.

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