I'm Your Protector

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In the dark and chilly generator room, Leon began to stir awake. His pretty little blue eyes fluttered open as his consciousness slowly began to come back and the very first thing he noticed was his patched up shoulder. There were traces of his crimson blood that leaked through the bandages, but other than that, his shoulder would be perfectly fine. The bullet was successfully removed and his wound wasn't in any danger of getting infected. God was on his side.

When he touched his shoulder to examine it, one name came to his mind. "Ada....Ada?" Then, as he realized he was alone, another name came to mind. The name that belongs to the one woman Leon wishes to see more than anyone else on this planet. "Katy? Where did those two go....Damnit."

As Leon sat there and recollected his thoughts, he reached into his pocket and grabbed his phone to try and dial Katy's number. After dialing a few times, he was only met by the sound of the lonely dial tone followed by the automated voice message that repeated Katy's phone number for him to redial to attempt to reach her for an umpteenth time. He was worried since she wasn't answering his calls, but he realized something; one, Katy never answers her phone anyways, and two, the spot he's sitting at will in no way have cell reception above average. This is a dead zone.

"Of course she won't be getting my phone calls, I'm underground. My signal is weak....Damnit....I need to see Katy again....I need to know she's safe." All Leon wants is to see her face and listen to her melodious voice speak soothing words. Even if it's just a simple hello, Leon really desires to hear her beautiful voice more than anything else right now.

With his eyes on his phone and his attention stirred up, he suddenly felt a tap on his shoulder as he stood there pondering where those two women went. Thinking it was a zombie, he sharply turned around, pulled his gun out of his holster, and grabbed the unknown figure's arm, pinning them to the wall so they wouldn't escape him.

It was Katy. She has tapped his shoulder to try and get his attention but that's all she was attempting to do. She wasn't expecting him to pin her against the wall like this and now that he has, her anxiety meter skyrocketed. When Leon recognized her warm green eyes fearfully stare into his as he glared at her, his expression quickly softened and became concerned after realizing what he just did.

"Katy! Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" Leon put his gun back into his holster and pulled her in for a warm hug to apologize appropriately. He didn't mean to scare her, he just can't help but be jumpy after all the monstrous disasters he's seen unfold before his very eyes tonight.

"I'm sorry for my aggression. You can't sneak up on me like that! My anxiety has been high, I could've seriously hurt you. Are you okay?" Leon hugged her tightly and brushed a strand of her hair behind her ear. He truly didn't mean to be so aggressive.

"Yeah....I'm okay. Wouldn't be the first time you reacted aggressively when I tapped your shoulder like that." Katy smiled a bit as she referred to the time Leon had snapped at her back in the jail when he assumed she was someone else (that someone else being Ada). "What about you? How's your shoulder?"

Leon also smiled and chuckled a little as he remembered that moment in the jail when he snapped at her. If Leon is ever mean to Katy, he can always assure he never means it. Even when he's teaching her a lesson or two, he never means to be so hostile. "I'm doing fantastic. Ada patched up my shoulder just fine!" Leon smiled briefly before noticing Katy seemed a bit shaky and disoriented. This concerned him by a great deal.

"Woah....Are you sure you're okay? You look kinda pale...." He then placed a hand on her forehead to examine her temperature. Her skin was damp. "You're sweating....Katy....?"

"I'm fine....Let's just keep moving, I'll be okay." Katy was not only pale and sweating, Leon noticed her breathing seemed harsh. She's definitely not okay. She can lie all she wants to, but Leon will always be able to see through her facade.

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