Who Is She?

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After Leon caught his breath, Katy gently let go of him when she saw he had finally calmed down. She's witnessed panic attacks before, but she's never been in the midst of one that severe. She knows what it feels like to suffer from panic attacks, and she would never wish that pain on another person, not even her worst enemy.

Leon only stared in the distance as he focused on his breathing. Katy never left his side for a second, making it a point to gently rub his back while they continued to sit and rest for a while.

Katy wasn't going to rush him to start walking again. If he wants to sit and wait before going head first into maneating zombies that destroy your will to live, she'd be more than okay with it. All she wanted right now was to stay here and console Leon, to help him remember that they will get through this and that as long as they have each other, no force on this planet can knock them down. All that matters is their faith in each other.

Leon just wanted to curl up into a vulnerable and pathetic ball while Katy held him tight and ran her fingers through his hair while treating him like a baby, but he knew that's not only extremely unprofessional but also really embarrassing for the both of them. He feels the need to man up, to stop this behavior before it eventually turns into him feeling self-pity. He can't stomach self-pity.

He slowly stood up and took another deep breath, and Katy followed suit. If he was feeling better, then so was she. They have only known each other for a few hours, and yet, Katy felt like their emotions were....connected. Almost like they can feel how the other feels before they even start to feel it. When Leon broke down and had his panic attack, Katy felt her own heart start to race, and her world felt like it was crumbling down, similar to how doves feel when they're forced to separate from their companion.

Katy's growing really fond of Leon, and she wants to be happy about that, but a part of her is really scared. After witnessing Leon's panic attack, it helped her realize just how soft and sensitive of a human being he truly is. Sure, he's confident, but he's not that stuck-up, know-it-all cop that he wants to make people believe he is.

He's a rookie, so it makes sense for him to want to display as much confidence and control as possible, but Katy knows what lies beneath. He's sweet and tender, and that's what's scaring her. If they ever did get closer, she doesn't ever want to hurt him. He doesn't deserve pain of any kind.

Leon feels the same way for her, although he's not necessarily as afraid of hurting her like she is of hurting him. It's not because he's careless, though, that's actually the last reason he doesn't feel so afraid. He's confident that he'll never hurt her because if he did, he'd never forgive himself and would live with the nightmare until he stopped breathing. He knows he can treat her well. It's all he'd ever want for her.

After establishing that Leon was doing better, Katy stood up from where they sat and made her way to close-by shelves, hoping to maybe find anything that could be considered useful.

"I'll be back." Katy then rubbed Leon's back in a gentle manner before she left to find potential materials.

"Okay. I'll meet you there in a minute." Katy nodded at his decision to rest for a little longer and made her way to a nearby corner.

At least he's feeling better. That's a good sign. Katy thought to herself as she left Leon alone. She thought it was a good idea to let him sit there alone for a little bit. Sometimes all a person needs is to sit in their own thoughts and just let time heal whatever happened and right now, Leon looked like a deflated balloon, so she'll give him all the time alone that he needed.

Leon however, didn't want to be apart from Katy. She made him feel better anytime she'd even breathe in his direction, she doesn't quite realize how much he actually depends on her.

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