The Way Out

25 0 14

After the awkward moment of silence when Leon realized he was staring at Katy's beautiful features, they were both red with embarrassment. Leon was staring for a long time and he still didn't know why. He's usually nothing but polite and never gawks at women, but for some reason he finds it extremely difficult to control himself around Katy. What is it about her that's just so...captivating? He couldn't stop staring at her no matter how hard he tried, she was like a colorful fireworks show in his eyes.....well, colorful in a different way. This woman isn't the flashy type at all.

They continued the peaceful drive in silence, neither one of them could think of anything to say. Katy was already not so talkative, so the fact that Leon made her feel all flustered by the way he had his blue eyed gaze all over her didn't exactly help the situation. Leon realizes that the way he was staring could possibly be the reason for her silence, so he decided to say something. Leon would rather hear her speak, even if it's over something small or even ridiculous. He just doesn't want to be in this car when the only noise was the sound of Katy's breathing which, by the way, was still extremely she alright?

" really don't talk much do you?" Leon chuckled softly as they continued their drive. He was only teasing, he wasn't trying to be mean to her about being so quiet. Leon was a quiet kid himself growing up, so he understands what it feels like to not be so comfortable opening up to anyone, let alone a practical stranger.

"I don't have anything to say...." Katy still had very red cheeks as she responded to Leon. It seems as if she can't get the image of Leon staring at her out of her mind and who could blame her for that? Who would ever forget being stared at with such awestruck admiration by someone like Leon?

"Nothing? Nothing at all? How about you start with why you still look so scared. As soon as I mentioned I was taking you to the police station, you practically froze. You were so talkative and you even back-sassed me and I'm a cop, and now that confidence just suddenly disappeared. Why is that?" Leon was back in interrogation mode, but he was still being gentle with her. He doesn't want to scare her further.

"I just don't like cops." Katy replied quietly, but it was loud enough for Leon to hear. Why did she have such a strong disliking towards the police?

"Why don't you like cops? Are you scared of them?" Leon's tone was now becoming slightly teasing and playful. He's met people who have had a strange fear of the police and he's sensing that Katy might have the same fear. He wouldn't judge her for it of course, he just likes to tease her and mess around.

"No! It's just that I...." Katy failed to think of any words to say back to him. Maybe Leon's right after all, maybe she fears the police.

"It's just that you what?" Leon raised an eyebrow at her response, but he was still only teasing. He liked the way she blushed when he teased her like this, he found it to be extremely cute.

"Are you forgetting where I come from? Cops don't exactly like me or my family." Katy's voice was still pretty quiet. She sounded a bit nervous to speak to Leon, but of course, that could just be because she has a strange fear of the cops. While it's true that the police don't like her family and want every last Blackstone dead, Leon can promise one thing; he will never hurt her. He'd hate himself forever for it if he did.

" are scared of cops?" Leon had a small smirk on his face now as he continued to tease her. He's a child like that sometimes.

"It's not that I'm scared of cops, it's just that....I don't feel comfortable or safe around them...." Leon raised an eyebrow at this response. She doesn't trust cops? Well he's one, so maybe he can change that feeling of hers for the better?

"So in conclusion, you're scared of them." Leon gave a small laugh as Katy tried to deny her fear. Leon wasn't making fun of her for it at all, his tone can just sound extremely condescending sometimes. He never means to sound harsh.

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