The Clock Tower

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"Are you sure you're okay? You look like you've just seen a ghost." Leon was still concerned about Katy's wellbeing. If she's quiet because he scared her, he didn't mean to. He just wanted to see how skilled she was with a knife that's all.

"Oh really? That's probably because an asshole held a sharp knife up to my neck and was centimeters away from slicing out my jugular vein." Leon could've killed her if he wanted to, so yeah. Katy is a bit spooked, but that isn't why she's so pale and silent. Oh if only he knew....

"Look, I wasn't going to hurt you. I will never hurt you. I thought you'd know that by now." Leon smiled softly in an attempt to soothe her nerves and anxiety. Suddenly, a bit of color started to rise in Katy's cheeks. She's blushing again.

"Well, you pinned me to the wall and held your knife to my neck. You could've hurt me."

"But I wouldn't. Not now, not ever." Leon held eye contact with Katy and kept a very serious expression. The way he was looking at Katy was causing her heart to beat out of her chest and now, her cheeks are officially the pinkest they've ever been that they resembled peaches.

Leon approached her a little closer and his nose touched hers as he looked into her beautiful green eyes. He could feel his own heart beating out of his ribcage as he locked eyes with her and he felt a different kind of warmth....The longer he looked into her eyes, the more his pupils expanded and the more his pupils expanded, the more he'd give away how he truly feels about this woman. He just can't get enough of her....

"You're staring again...." Katy's voice was a little breathless now. Things are getting a bit tense....

"Yeah, but this time I'm actually making eye contact instead of merely gawking at you." Leon smiled a bit as he kept his eyes on her. They were so close to each other....

"True, but you're still staring." Katy was so breathless, it sounded like she was about to pass out. Her heart is absolutely pounding out of her chest right now. Why was Leon so close to her? It's almost like he wanted to kiss her but Katy knew that wasn't the case. Unless....

Leon kept his nose pressed against hers, and he placed his gentle hand on the side of her face once again, caressing it softly and making her porcelain skin glow like a stop light.

Just do it, damnit. Be a man and do it. Leon was so close to acting on his impulses, but he was interrupted after Katy's eyes widened and darted the opposite direction. Something had spooked her.

"Leon!" Katy exclaimed, causing Leon to jerk his hand off her cheek and onto his handgun as his adrenaline shot up. As soon as he turned around, he saw something that made his heart shatter in a million pieces. A zombie wearing an RPD uniform came walking their way and through the pain and suffering, Leon could recognize who it was in a heartbeat. Marvin Branagh.....he's turned.

"Oh no....I'm so sorry, Lieutenant...." Leon frowned and sighed as he raised his gun while the now zombie inflicted Marvin Branagh approached him. He was hesitant on finishing the job. He knows that if he pulled the trigger, it'd end Marvin's sufferings, but he just can't do it. To Leon, killing another officer even if they were infected was like killing family.

"Katy? I...I can't bring myself to do it...." Leon hung his head and lowered his gun. He just can't do what needs to be done. It's hurting him.

"I understand...." Katy nodded as she slowly raised her handgun. She aimed for the head and hesitated for a moment, but after a deep breath, she relaxed her index finger and let it slide against the trigger as she did what Leon couldn't do. Slowly but surely, the zombie version of Lieutenant Marvin Branagh fell to his knees, leaving a pool of undead blood to pour on the floor of the Main Hall.

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