I'm Sorry

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While Leon's mind was deep in thought, he stood there with his arms crossed, shooting glances at Katy every-so-often as he tried to study her demeanor. He knows he's supposed to be pissed off, but he finds it hard to react that way when Katy seems so guilty about lying. Cold-hearted criminals are the types of people who deserve a punishment, his Angel isn't a bad person in any shape or form. In fact, she's one of the most innocent women he's ever met in his entire life. Why would he need to be angry with her or punish her when she hasn't done anything wrong?

I should at least talk to her to clear things up....I know she didn't mean to hide all of these things from me, she just has her own personal issues and I understand that. Hmm....Think, Leon, think.... Should he react angrily? No....He doesn't have the right to. She's designed a cure for the disease, that's something someone deserves to be rewarded for, not scolded or punished. She isn't in trouble. One look at her guilty expression and he already feels his heart warming up like a hot bottle of whiskey. How could someone be so mean to someone so innocent? Leon can't be angry with her, it's impossible.

However, Leon still feels the need to get a few things off his chest. He isn't angry, he just wants to set a few things straight. He uncrossed his arms, walked closer to Katy, and spoke up in somewhat more relaxed tone than he had been using previously. His masculine, gentle, and soft spoken tone returned as he gained the attention of both Ada and Katy. While he was silent, the two beauties did nothing but stare at each other with a similar intense glare two scorpions give each other when they're about to attack one another. Tension was getting high between those two.

"Ada? Do you mind if I have a few words with Katy? Alone?" At his words, Katy felt her heart jolt like a spark of thunder in the sky while a storm is raging down. Her mind was going to all sorts of dark places, starting with frightening thoughts of Leon punishing her for lying. She can't stand to be in trouble. It hurts her in more ways than one.

"Of course I don't. Just don't take your time, we have to get to the NEST as fast as possible." Ada's scorpion-like piercing eyes left Katy's, relaxing a little as they directed their attention to Leon. Katy noticed that when Ada looks at Leon, she stares at him like her eyes are tracing a triangle. That angered her beyond words. Why? Because when a woman darts her eyes in a man's direction and scopes them out by tracing out three separate lines on his face, it usually means they're subtly flirting.

It's called triangle flirting and Katy has seen it dozens of times before, both on TV and in real life. The woman first stares at one eye, then the mouth, then the other eye. It's a subtle way of saying they're feeling some type of attraction. Katy had to clench her fists to prevent her from scratching Ada's face like a feral animal.

Leon smiled at Ada, blushing a little as they made eye contact. That, of course, rubbed Katy in all the wrong ways. "Thanks, Ada. We won't be long. I don't like making women wait." Leon winked, making Katy's heart jolt again with even more worry and fear. Is it in her head, or is Leon...flirting back? No....It has to all be in her head....

Leon then grabbed Katy's hand, taking her to the opposite end of the room where they could be out of earshot. He just wants to have a few words with her, that's all. As they stood in the corner together, Katy could feel her body shaking with anticipation and anxiety. She just wants to get this conversation over with.

"So....Katy. I have a few things to say to you." Leon started, keeping her in the small corner of the room to make the conversation a little more 'intimate'. He doesn't quite understand how adrenaline rushing this whole situation was for Katy. She wants to run away.

"What is it?" Katy replied in the calmest tone she could possibly force herself to use. She's used to faking it, so right now she'll have to use every single ounce of her acting skills to hide all of her anxiety and fear.

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