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What on earth could nothing possibly mean? It's a word that sounds so simple, but Katy could tell that Leon's intentions were to put more emphasis on the subliminal implication than what his tone had led on. His head was rested on her shoulder, his attention was on the passing city lights, and she could still spot that charming smile on his face while the train continued to zoom through the tunnels and take them home.

Katy had said nothing back but instead, leaned her head on his shoulder, and closed her eyes as she embraced the gentle strokes he had been giving her backside while absentmindedly making her insides melt away like an ice cube in the burning heat. Leon had been sitting by the edge of the train and held his hand out as he felt the air whip his skin, allowing his body to finally take in the feeling of fresh air after what felt like centuries. Katy smiled to herself as she saw Leon lean back and enjoy the train ride and as they were waiting for the arrival, she felt herself become drowsy and exhausted, suddenly feeling unable to keep her eyes open any longer.

With her arm linked with Leon's and her head rested calmly on his warm shoulder, she shut her eyes and went off to dreamland as the train continued to take them to their destination. Leon had noticed her breathing became slower and more relaxed and softly chuckled as her gentle zizz sounds escaped from her lips like soft little bubbles of air. She was snoring and drooling, paying no mind to the loud noises of the train tracks around her as she enjoyed her peaceful life in the fantasy world her mind conjures every time she gets some shut-eye. She was the cutest little Angel Leon had ever laid his eyes on.

Leon smiled to himself, shaking his head as her snoring became more audible and her drool dripped down at a faster pace. If she wasn't so cute, Leon would be pissed. It's a good thing he adores the sight of her sleepy face too much to ever shake her off of his shoulder.

My adorable little Angel baby. Leon pulled her in closer to his side and rubbed her arms as he acted as her comforting blanket. He enjoyed holding her close so much, he wanted nothing more than to get back to town and hug her until she pops like a balloon. Things were looking up again. Finally.

As he sighed and leaned back with Katy resting against his shoulder, he noticed the wristband he had used back at the NEST and was instantly reminded of Ada. Oh, Ada....If only things went differently...she'd be on this train with them. He squeezed the wristband tightly as he reminisced about his eventful evening with Ms. Wong. As conniving, deceiving, and secretive as Ada was, Leon couldn't deny that he did enjoy having her around, even if it wasn't for a long period of time. She had shown Leon a lot of experiences he needed in this life. He wasn't the same cop he was when this all started and half of that was all because of her.

Maybe he needed to be lied to in order to grow. Maybe he needed to be used and taken advantage of in order for him to learn a valuable lesson in life. As much as he should hate Ada for being a backstabber, he just couldn't. She kept him on his toes and he adores a woman who can always keep him busy, even if he's pulling his hair out in the process.

"I can't believe I actually miss her...." Leon chuckled to himself as he held the wristband in his fingers and fidgeted with it for a moment. After spinning it around in between his middle and index fingers as if it were a drumstick, he tossed it out the train door and watched as it blew away in the heavy winds.

Katy continued to drool her worries away as she rested her head on his shoulder. Leon pulled her in closer, smiled softly at her sleeping body, and admired her state of being while taking in how damn thankful he is for her existence. After all, if it wasn't for her, he'd probably be dead. Her smarts, her lightning-like abilities to think of solutions in the most dire of circumstances, her communication skills, and her sense of knowledge were all what kept him from going insane. Ada may keep Leon on the edge, but Katy keeps him on the brighter side of the road. In fact, she had paved that road for him the very second they had met. That is something Leon will forever be grateful for.

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