Leon's Interrogation

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Katy followed Leon down a very dark and quiet hall that was most definitely very....sketchy to say the least. She stayed very close to him, being somewhat on edge. She doesn't know what's down here and she was scared to find out. Luckily, Leon kept his gun at the ready and let Katy hold onto him for as long as she wanted to. He was being very comforting.

Katy just followed him through this hall and didn't say much. She just walked with him, praying to God that they'd reach an end to this. Leon noticed that she was quiet yet again, so he broke the silence. He has some more questions, no surprise there.

"So. Katy. Care to tell me why you were in that school all alone?" Katy let go of his arm as he started to ask her some questions. She was always so intimidated by his interrogation mode. "Aww, come on. It's just a question." Leon playfully nudged her arm, waiting for her answer. He doesn't know why Katy always starts to feel so small when he talks to her, he wasn't trying to be intimidating.

"So tell me. Why were you alone?" Leon wouldn't budge. He needs answers.

"I wasn't-I um...I was busy with a school project...." Leon raised an eyebrow at how Katy cut herself off. She wasn't what?

"Wait...you weren't what? You weren't....hmm....how do I put this, are you trying to say you weren't actually alone?" Katy's heart stopped. Why is Leon so clever? Why oh why! "What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?" Leon isn't making this easy. It was very difficult for Katy to answer him right now.

"No....I just had to think for a minute. I was busy finishing a school project. Let's leave it at that, okay?" Leon's eyebrows were raised so high, they were practically disappearing. He's growing more and more skeptical with each word Katy spoke.

"A school project you say....what school project? What's your major?" Katy had to mentally prepare herself for the questions she was being forced to answer. Why does it matter to Leon what she was doing in that school? It didn't involve him.

"I have two majors. Biology and virology....the school project involved an experiment with chemical enzymes, it's not that big of a deal." Leon however, was not satisfied with this answer. He had more questions.

"I know what biology is, but what exactly is virology?" Katy only looked at him. Does he really not know what it is?

"....virology is the study of....well, viruses." It's plain and simple, the subject is exactly what it sounds like.

"Oh...Hm...so virology eh? What were you studying?" This man just wouldn't stop it with the questions.

"I already told you. I was studying chemical enzymes." Leon stopped walking which Katy noticed, so she stopped in her tracks. He just wasn't satisfied with any of these answers.

"What kind of chemical enzymes?" Katy didn't know what to say to this question. She only began walking again, but Leon grabbed her wrist to stop her. He had more questions.

"You don't get to walk away yet, I'm not done. Answer my question. What kind of chemical enzymes?" His sudden stern attitude was enough to make a child cry. Lucky enough, Katy was a grown woman so she was able to hold onto her emotions with much more control.

Katy thought for a moment. Should she just tell him? Maybe he'll leave her alone if she was just honest. However, it was kind of hard to be honest with someone who was doing nothing but scaring and intimidating you.

"I was studying the virus that's affecting the world....happy?" Katy freed herself from Leon's grasp, hoping and praying he would leave her alone. She was telling the truth after all.

"Wait....you mean the virus that's been turning everyone into crazy ass zombies?" Leon was now intrigued more than ever. If Katy was studying the virus, she must know something about it....right?

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