Episode 69: The Pokemon League Tournament part 2

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Round 5

Blue vs Pyro

After one Pokemon battle after the Halftime show between two trainers, it is now Blue's turn. Blue and Pyro step out to face each other.

"Hey, hey, it's Pyro", said Blue.

"Hey, hey, Blue", said Pyro.

"You ready?" asked Blue.

"I am ready, let's battle", said Pyro.

Pyro withdraws a Clefable and Blue withdraws a Gengar.

"Gengar, Hypnosis", said Blue.

"Clefable, Metronome", said Pyro.

Clefable begins Splashing like Magikarp. Gengar performs Hypnosis at Clefable, causing it to go sleep.

"Now, Dream Eater", said Blue.

This weakens Clefable as if something is bad happening to it in her sleep.

"Gengar, Dream Eater", said Blue.

This weakens Clefable even more.

"Gengar, Dream Eater", said Blue.

But Clefable wakes up.

"Clefable, Metronome", said Pyro.

Waving its arms back and forth, Clefable explodes, causing both it and Gengar to faint.

Pyro returns it and withdraws a Nidoqueen. Blue returns Gengar and withdraws a Rhydon.

"Rhydon, Earthquake", said Blue.

"Nidoqueen, Double Kick", said Pyro.

As Nidoqueen starts running up to Rhydon, it gets caught in the quake, causing it to faint.

Pyro then withdraws an Exeggutor.

"Now Exeggutor, Giga Drain", said Pyro.

Blue groans infuriated. A green light goes comes out of Rhydon and goes into Exeggutor. Rhydon faints

"Exeggutor, Hypnosis", said Pyro.

"Arcanine, shut your eyes", said Blue.

Arcanine shuts its eyes as Exeggutor performs Hypnosis on Arcanine. Then...

"Arcanine, Fire Blast", said Blue.

Arcanine shoots a Fire Blast attack at Exeggutor causing it to faint. Pyro returns Exeggutor and withdraws a Raichu. Blue returns Arcanine and withdraws Electabuzz.

"Electabuzz, Seismic Toss", said Blue.

"Raichu, Double Kick", said Pyro.

As Raichu begins runs up to Electabuzz and kicks at it repeatedly. Then Electabuzz throws up Raichu and when it comes down, Electabuzz punches it to the stadium wall. Raichu faints. Then Pyro returns it.

"Man, you're on a role", said Pyro impressed.

"I know, it's a one hit wonder", said Blue.

Pyro withdraws a Cloyster.

"Electabuzz, Thunder", said Blue.

"Cloyster, Ice Beam", said Pyro.

But Electabuzz's Thunder missed. Cloyster's Ice Beam attack is successful and Electabuzz faints. Blue withdraws Arcanine.

"Arcanine, Fire Blast", said Blue.

"Cloyster, Withdraw", said Pyro

Despite being in a shell, Arcanine fires at Cloyster before it can close shut itself in. Ice Beam missed. But Cloyster gets hit Arcanine's Fire Blast attack, weakening it. Frightened, Cloyster clamps itself inside.

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