Episode 66: The Amazing Miracle

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(Sorry this is so long because I had to watch the last episode of Ash Ketchum so many times to write this. There is so much in the anime and I had to summarize it. I am trying to keep it short too. I hope up you all enjoyed it because I had a fun time writing it. Let me what you think in the comments below. Thanks)

"Which way do you want to go?"


Somewhere, Ash and Pikachu are facing two pathways.

"Pi", said Pikachu as he sees a stick on the grass nearby

"Pika", said Pikachu delighted as it goes to get it for Ash.

Ash bends down to pick up and points around with it and then throws a stick in the air and it lands in middle pointing left. So he and Pikachu begin walking down the left path for a new adventure. They are walking, Ash suddenly hears a voice.

"Ash, Ash", the light whispering voice cries out.

Ash and Pikachu stop to look around. They look up ahead and suddenly see a light getting closer and closer to him. Is it the sun? Or is something calling to him.

"What? Who is it?", he asked with curiosity. "Pikachu, are you seeing this too".

Pikachu is staring memorized by the light.

"Who are you?", asked Ash.

"I am the one who has come to take you home", said the voice. "Your brother is waiting".

"My brother?" Ash echoes.

Then memories fill Ash's mind.

"My brother....I...have a brother...Red", said Ash, as the light flashes on him.



The Masters X have made history. Not only did they defeat Giovanni but also the most evil Pokemon in the world. Todd Snap the Photographer, who has come out of hiding from Giovanni and Team Rocket, took a group picture of them is later taken and sold his picture to the Pokémon League and is hung at all the Pokémon Centers and Gyms everywhere. Now the word is spreading fast they will be competing against each other in the upcoming Pokemon League Tournament.

Currently, Mewtwo, Mew, Ho-oh, and Lugia, are using a limited time and a redo ability to rebuild everything as it was before Giovanni's take over and Eevoreon's invasion. Now the cities look exactly like they were before. The former Gym Leaders and Elite Four have been rehired again as everyone is happy that things are back to normal. Well...except for Giovanni, who is glaring at Red, Blue, and Leaf picture in the newspaper for ruining his plans again.

Meanwhile In Pallet Town...

Red and Yellow are walking to a resident's house in Pallet Town. Earlier after saving Yellow from Mewtwo, Red promised her he would find her a better family than that wicked abusive mother. He is going to keep that promise.

Red knocks on the door and then a familiar man walks in the door.

"And there he is right now", said Red, looking at the man.

The man looks at Red.

"Hi Red, what can I do for you?", asked the man.

The man's name is Dr. Wilton. Dr. Wilton is Pallet's Doctor. He's a good doctor and he also specializes in healing Pokémon. His nickname is Doc by Pallet Town residents. He also has a passion for fishing as a hobby.

"Doc, you always wanted a daughter, right?", asked Red.

"Yeah but...", Doc begins.

"Can you take this girl in?", asked Red, interrupting him, pointing to Yellow. "Her name is Yellow and came from the same orphanage we came from. She got adopted by an abusive mother. My friends and I drove those her away and she needs someone to look after her".

Pokémon: Red, Blue, and Leaf Version (Completed, Edited)Where stories live. Discover now