Episode 26: The Power of Invinsibility

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It took one week to get to Celadon City, the same as traveling from Cerulean City to Vermilion City. To Red, Blue, and Leaf, it feels like walking from Cerulean City to Vermilion City all over again. When they stop for the night, the three trainers spend their time raising and training their Pokémon. Red also used his time to practice the Pokeflute and him doing so made the breaks much more interesting. Most of their Pokémon have evolved already.

During the walk to Celadon City, they did run into Corey, Fergus, and Neesha.

"You were right, Surge was tough", said Corey.

"But we showed him", said Fergus.

"Now we are going to battle Misty in Cerulean City", said Neesha.

"Good luck against her", said Red.

"When you go against Misty, tell her we said hi", said Blue.

"She specializes with Water Type Pokemon", said Leaf. "Using a Grass type or an Electric is your best bet".

Red, Blue, and Leaf would eventually part ways with Corey, Fergus, and Neesha.

Now they have to continue walking to Celadon City to find Team Rocket and stop them.
Right now Blue and Leaf are super excited because Ivysaur and Wartortle are getting stronger and are showing signs they are going to evolve sooner or later.

"Hey Red, what does Dexter say about Blastoise?" Blue asks Red.

Red pulls out his Pokédex.

"Blastoise, the evolved form of Wartortle and final evolution of Squirtle. The pressurized water jets, sometimes called rocket cannons or water spouts, on this brutal Pokémon's shell are used for high-speed tackles. Once it takes aim at its enemy, it blasts out water with even more force than a fire hose. It can deliberately make itself heavy so it can withstand the recoil of the water jets it fires. The rocket cannons on its shell fire jets of water capable of punching holes through thick steel. Before firing, it firmly plants its feet on the ground before shooting water from the jets on its back. The water spouts are very accurate. They can shoot bullets of water with enough accuracy to strike empty cans from a distance of over 160 feet. It can crush its foe under its heavy body to cause fainting. In a pinch, it will withdraw inside its shell", said Dexter.

Leaf jumps in too.

"What does it say about Venusaur?" asked Leaf.

Red looks it up.

"Venusaur, the evolved form of Ivysaur and final evolution of Bulbasaur. The plant blooms when it is absorbing solar energy. It stays on the move to seek sunlight. The flower on its back catches the sun's rays. The sunlight is then absorbed and used for energy. By spreading the broad petals of its flower and catching the sun's rays, it is said that it fills its body with power. It is able to convert sunlight into energy. As a result, this seems to make it more powerful in the summertime. As it warms itself and absorbs the sunlight, its flower petals release a pleasant fragrance. The flower is said to take on vivid colors if it gets plenty of nutrition and sunlight. The flower's aroma soothes the emotions of people. A bewitching aroma wafts from its flower. The fragrance becalms those engaged in a battle. After a rainy day, the flower on its back smells stronger. The scent attracts other Pokémon.", said Dexter.

Blue and Leaf beam upon listening.

Fear suddenly takes over Red and then he looks for information about Charizard.

"Charizard, the final evolution form in the Charmander evolution and evolved form of Charmeleon. Breathing intense, hot flames, and spits out of its mouth that is hot enough to melt almost anything, including boulders. It breathes fire of such great heat. Getting hit by its flames can inflict terrible pain. Known to cause forest fires unintentionally. If Charizard becomes furious, it expels a blast of super hot fire and the red flame on the tip of its tail flares up and burns more intensely. The temperature of its fire increases as it gains experience in battle. It blows out fire at a very high temperature. Charizard uses its wings to fly. It can fly as high 4600 feet in the air. Charizard flies around the sky looking for powerful opponents. It will never torch a weaker foe", said Dexter.

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