Episode 33: The Race of Evil

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After Lara is checked from the hospital and taken home, Alan runs home.

"I just spoke with Mom and Dad", said Alan. "Red, you are in hot water with them".

Red is silent, upset that he allowed his anger to get the best of him.

"However, I tried to convince them and the other ranch families to no avail", Alan adds. "We don't have time. The contract takes full effect after the race but...".

"But what?", asked Lara.

"I made a bet with Mom, Dad, all the Ranch families, and of course, Giovanni", said Alan.

"A bet?" Blue echoes.

"The bet works like this", said Alan. "If one of us, who opposes Giovanni, wins the race, then Gio Corp's contract will be terminated permanently. Luckily, the race got moved in three days, so that gives us some time for Lara to ride and practice".

"I can't ride anymore", said Lara.

"What?", asked Alan, suprised.

Lara shows him her arm and tells him what has happened since he left the house.

Alan's face drops with sadness. But he quickly brushes it aside.

"Okay, one of us will take your place", said Alan.

Lara waves Alan down.

"I already made that choice, Alan", said Lara. "I am picking Red here because Ponyta chose him".

Alan looks at Red.

"I have mixed feelings about this", said Alan, sounding concerned. "I mean, Red did confront Giovanni and probably made Giovanni wary of him but...I respect your decision. There is no rule for Red to not race".

For the next two days, Alan and Lara show Red how to ride Ponyta, which is easy for Red because Ponyta absolutetly trusts him.

"My gosh, Ash would definitely enjoy this if he were involved in this", he said to himself while practicing on Ponyta.

After two days on the morning of the third day, today is now the race

"Red didn't have a lot of time for practice but this will have to do", said Alan.

"I believe in him, Alan," said Lara.

Red is riding Lara's Ponyta, Blue is riding his Arcanine, and Leaf is riding her Starmie. Lara and Alan sit in the crowd watching the race.

"On your mark...get set...GO!", shouts the flag person.

The Pokémon takes off with Dario in the lead. Red is worried too because he only had two days of practice and this better pay off on his part.

"Keep a sharp eye for Team Rocket", he orders Blue and Leaf.

"Got it," said both Blue and Leaf.

Red and Ponyta race ahead behind Dario. They race in front of an open field and two trainers on a Tauros and a Nidorina race past him and close in to pass Dario. While on Ponyta, Red sees several flashes and hears loud bags quickly speed past his left ear and suddenly hears a cow screaming behind him.

Reacting, he immediately steers Ponyta in zigzags to avoid getting hit as he hears more gunshots getting fired.

He passes and then sees Tauros and Nidorina down. Both drivers kneel down screaming with horror. Are the Tauros and the Nidarina dead? But Red does not have time to think about it as he races on ahead. He couldn't help but wonder if Team Rocket was behind those gunshots earlier.

All the racers start running up a large Stone Mountain and going down, Red looks up ahead and notices a person riding on his Electrode speeding down the mountain past, closing in on Dario.

Pokémon: Red, Blue, and Leaf Version (Completed, Edited)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon