Episode 3: Hospitality in Viridian City

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It is a long day and Red, Blue, and Leaf finally make it near Viridian City and boy they are tired. Along the way, they came across many different Pokemon but they couldn't catch them because they did not know how to catch them. They also wished they did because they promised Professor Oak they'd do a favor for him, in addition to their siblings.
Blue suddenly stops to catch his breath. They continued to walk and the more they walked, the more they thought about catching them.

"That was exhausting", said Blue. "What time is it, Red?

Red reaches for his pockets and backpack but says nothing.

"What time is it, Red?" asked Leaf firmly.

"Oh I... I forgot to pack my watch before we left", Red replies nervously.

Blue and Leaf roll their eyes.

"Wow, way to go, Red", Blue huffs. "You always forget things".

Leaf frowns at Blue.

Red looks around the atmosphere and sees it is sundown.

"Leaf, Blue, let's go get dinner and find a place to stay for the night", said Red.

The trio walk around the city and find a nice looking hotel. Unfortunately it was the only hotel in Viridian City. When they walk in there, they come to a woman at a reception desk.

"Hi, we'd like to check in, is there a room here?" Leaf asks.

The woman looks at them.

"No, there is no room here", said the woman.
Red, Blue, and Leaf look at her with shock.

"But we need a place to stay", Leaf protests.

"I am sorry, I am full", said the woman sternly.

Red, Blue, and Leaf turn around to leave.

"Well, so much for our first day as Pokemon trainers", Blue grumbled as they went out the door.

Suddenly, Red feel something tap his shoulder. It was the woman from the front desk.

"Wait, you're all new to Pokemon training?", asked the women.

"Yes!", said Red.

"Well in that case, you all can sleep here in the lobby tonight", said the woman.

Red, Blue, and Leaf are stunned with relief.

"Why are you doing this?", asked Blue.

"If you're new to Pokemon training then you'll need your strength tomorrow", the woman answers. "It's already late so your stay here will be free because you're not renting a room and your meals will also be all on me tonight and tomorrow. Tomorrow, I want you three to leave my hotel before the end of the day. You can leave anytime tomorrow".

"Jee thanks, that's very nice of you", said Leaf.

"Don't get used to it", said the woman firmly.
"Newbies in Pokemon training don't have any money or anything to pay on their first day. Also to give you tips of advice, you will earn battle points, which is equal to money. Battle points are earned through winning Pokemon battles. You can use battle points to buy anything you want. Make sure to save and budget what you can".

"Thanks", said Red.

The woman walks with Red, Blue, and Leaf to get some pillows and blankets. Then Red, Blue, and Leaf get settled in. Next, the women then come out with food and water for them. As the three ate their lunch and dinner, the women turned on the TV, to help them sleep. While Red is eating his food, he looks around and sees a phone booth. He then went to make a phone call. When he reaches the phone booth, he dials it to call Professor Oak. Immediately, Professor Oak appears on the screen.

Pokémon: Red, Blue, and Leaf Version (Completed, Edited)Where stories live. Discover now