The Story, Part 22, Cut and Run continued

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(Hunter's POV)

"Why didn't y/n come with us?" Omega looked up at me.

"Well, as you know y/n has very unique abilities." Tech began, cutting me off, "most people would be disturbed by such abilities. That's why she usually stays on the ship while she's meeting new people. We have to determine if it's safe enough for her to make her appearance."

"And if we're going to be completely honest," Echo continued, "y/n doesn't bother to hide it. She doesn't, despite how she acted with you, know how to act with other people. Including children. So, until she gets used to it, keep your distance."

Omega looked a little defeated, and I understood why. While y/n can be a bit boisterous, she seemed to have no problem acting softer, and gentler with Omega. However, it has happened with children or other people before. It is usually more of a, people have to get used to her before she gets used to them, kind of situation.

(Standard POV)

I knew why I should not accompany the squad outside. This planet was very interesting, in smell of course. I wanted to see who they were talking about, because of this clone was a deserter he should not have a problem with me.

I sighed, "it's no use crying over spilled milk, I'm used to this."

I frowned at the ceiling, and focused on my phone. However, looking at random $*!t was starting to bore me, so I ran some diagnostics on the ship and discovered a loose cog somewhere. Wanting to occupy myself, and prevent future problems from potentially happening, I fixed the cog. I discovered some more broken things there too, some misplaced wires, and broken nick-nacks and other whatnot.

It had only been about fifteen minutes since they left, and I was already bored. Tech had taken care of most of the things as a precaution, so I did not have much to do. I decided to do something similar to Omega, maybe I could visit Tech's mind. He probably would not mind, he usually does not...

I positioned myself in the gun turret of the ship, and I looked out the window. It did not look like there was much of anything outside, so it was probably safe for me to be a little less focused. I concentrated, and I soon was feeling the low humming of a mind. It spiked occasionally, indicating Tech was thinking about something. Probably doing some research or something.

"Bored already?" I heard Tech's voice.

"You know me so well," I joked back.

I heard a very faint, quiet chuckle from him, and he left me alone after that. The thumbing of curiosity ran through his mind occasionally, making me smile. I loved being able to do this, it felt really amazing, but most of all, I could tell if someone was alive or not. I believe I still have to atone for all the lives I took when I was mindlessly k!ll!ng things. Making sure that I had a way to feel of members of my own squad were alive was a good start.


It took my brain a minute to process that Tech started talking to me.

"Yeah?" I tried responding in my casual manner, it was harder to mask emotions in your own head, "did something happen?"

"In fact," I dreaded to hear the next words, "it appears we are learning a valuable lesson with Omega." Tech responded.

I laughed internally, "or Hunter is just learning how to be more of a dad."

"Or that," I could tell he would be shrugging at this point.

"So what's going on with... what was his name again? Cut? Yeah. What's going on there?" I tried asking him a question.

"Currently, we are trying to smuggle Cut, and Sue off-world." Tech responded shortly, "but there's a bit of a problem with that, as we need chain codes now to use public transportation."

"Chain codes?" I asked curiously, spiking his mind activity.

Was it, a bit of annoyance?

"New Empire policy..." he practically groaned.

"Thank you... I'll leave you alone now..." I quickly stopped trying to feel for him, and I ended up staring out the window.

Nothing exciting was going on right now.

***time skip***

I heard people approaching the ship, and at first I did not recognize their step, but I soon discovered it was Omega, Tech, and Echo.

"What now?" I tilted my head to the side.

"We're getting our ship impounded," Tech looked at me, "it's the best plan we have."

"What?" I blurted, but then I understood, "actually never mind. That's probably going to work. You've worked out how I assume?"

"Of course we have," Echo shrugged, "although someone seems a little too excited about it..."

He shot a look at Tech; it appeared both of them missed Omega, who took her seat by me.

"What about Omega?" I looked up at the ceiling.

Tech and Echo looked at each other, and then me; they gave me an annoyed frown.

"No, really!" I motioned to Omega, who stepped to my side.

They looked at each other again.

"It's too late now," Tech stuck his face in his data pad again, "we've already started the plan."

"Okay then," I looked at Omega, "you're just going to have to stay close to me!"

She gave me a small smile, and I exchanged it with a wide grin. I figured something happened when Tech talked about the, 'valuable lesson,' that Hunter learned in parenting. I also sensed that Hunter wanted Omega to live with a real family, but she is going to end up with us. Just watch.

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