The Story Part 2

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Vial made me fight for the separatists and kill clones, this was all while my mind was not strong enough to resist his mind tricks. I senselessly destroyed things, almost killed a bunch of Jedi and clone commanders. It was traumatic really, I loved clones so dearly but he made me kill them. Awful right? Not entirely surprising, it was a smart idea, because what better way to break spirit than make you what you fear? My thought process was often like this for the next week, and the week afterward I thought of nothing. I really did nothing until Vial decided to pay me a visit. I was emotionless until he said the oddest thing.

"Y/n listen, I can't watch you suffer in silence any longer." Vial said sheepishly, sitting down beside me.

I frowned, "like you care."

"Y/n I do care! Listen, I think I might like you..." He blurted.

My eyes widened and I had a puzzled expression on my face, I decided on my strongest emotion, anger. "If you cared you would get rid of this!"

"Don't start that, you're a walking feet of genetic mystery! Don't you like being actually special?" Vial said in a cutting tone.

"Ooh, special for you, a pain in the kriffing @$$ for me. Don't you see Vial, I'm not happy, can you blame me? You turned me into a creature and gave me magic and expect me to be happy?" I retorted.

"You should be more grateful I didn't kill you!" Vial roared standing up.

"I would rather be dead." I responded calmly, that was definitely true.

"Then killing you would not be a fitting punishment for your insolence pet." Vial sneered, fixing his cold gaze on me.

"I'm not your "pet" Vial, I'd rather drown myself in burning oil." I arched my eyebrows and moved one end of my mouth up.

Vial grew angrier, "don't test my patience pet, or I'll throw you to the separatist foot soldiers!"

"It's not that hard to test your patience, you have such a short fuse it doesn't rise an inch above the dynamite." I smirked, not caring what he would do next.

Vial stood there aghast, "to the separatist ranks you go, to forever spend your days in fear of doing something terrible to any friends you might have!"

He walked away to call a separatist ship to pick up another one of his experiments. I shrugged, this gives me more of a chance to escape, maybe the republic would be kind enough to use my skill set. Although, I wouldn't tell them about the beastly part of me, for now, until I find a trustworthy person, that stays hidden. I would not shed a tear leaving Vial's crummy estate.

The separatists arrived faster than they usually did, perhaps it was the fact they were given more power over something that brought them here. They took me eagerly and never looked back.

To be fair, I didn't look back either, I looked foreword to the incoming battles. I soon arrived on a separatist battle station, we were to be elite special forces for harsh battles. That wasn't hard for me, I excelled at all the training they gave us, I already knew what they were. While I was there, I figured out how to mix magic and Vibroblades so that I could change their shape. This way the separatists didn't have to give me any weapons to be tracked, I would use my own. And their heavy armor? Pass. It was really heavy and not that effective, plus, rags gave you more mobility.

I had a strange sense of peace instead of anticipation on me while I waited for the battle to come. I knew I wasn't entirely emotionally stable, but I knew I was acting a lot better than before. I only had to think of a way to convince the republic to let me join them. I knew they wanted members, but why would they accept me? I needed to make myself worth having.
If Kenobi is there, I could surrender and talk to him. If Anakin and Ashoka are there I could surrender and then be tested by the other members of the Jedi council.

If Yoda is there he would sense my true intention. If master Windu came he would accept my surrender and bring me before Yoda. If Plo Koon is there, he might also be able to sort of sense something too. It is unlikely highly unlikely the Jedi council would send anyone else. Considering the skill sets for the Jedi I thought of fit the battlefront much better than others. For instance, Fisto would probably not be here. Finally, we were given an assignment, a huge battle loomed on the horizon and we were to participate. Myself and three others, Daadr (dah- dir), Secle (See- sil), and Martic. (Mare-tik).

We were told that Kenobi, along with clone commander Cody were to be there. My odds of joining the republic were in my favor this time. Of course, Daadr, Secle, and Martic knew nothing of my treachery. Then again, I was very good at keeping secrets. We had a lot of last minute training sessions while we waited for the battle to arrive. A day before the battle was to be I perfected the art of transforming my Vibroblades into different weapons. My favorite being a great sword, next to a halberd and two katanas. Albeit, I wanted to perfect the art of changing them into a shield, that would be cool. A shield and a sword of course, no better way to go.

It seemed like an eternity passed in four hours, in the four hours of sleep I got today. I was stuck thinking about how my plan might fail and I would be forced to fight clones again.

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