The Story, Part 23, Cut and Run continued

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(Standard POV)

"TECH!" I heard Hunter's voice through comms.

"It was the best solution," Tech responded nonchalantly.

"GeTtInG mY sHiP iMpOuNdEd Is NoT mY iDeA oF a SoLuTiOn!" Hunter returned.

I chuckled, "don't worry we have this under control."

"What about Omega?!" Wrecker yelled through comms.

"We've got that part taken care of too!" I smiled, putting my comm device away.

We soon got our ship impounded by authorities; very poor job on them, his on the upper compartment. They were right about the mess though.

***time skip***

"Time to get those chain codes to them!" I smiled at Tech when we were alone.

Echo walked in, "how do you want to do that when we have to get past all those guards?"

I looked over my shoulder, Omega was eyeing the chain codes. I almost stopped her, but if anyone who has the best chance of sneaking through there, it's Omega.

"You shouldn't do that," I walked over to her, "letting us know would make it easier."

"You can't stop me." She grumbled, looking up at me with a scowl.

"I'm not stopping you," "y/-!" "Not now, Tech, but I would rather know where you went than be searching for you everywhere." I gave Tech a small glare, indicating this conversation was at a close.

He gave me a nearly emotionless stare, but I could see the defeat in his eyes. Without any more hesitation, Omega grabbed the chain codes, and spread off to Cut and Sue.

"That might've been a mistake..." Echo looked at me.

"Do you trust me?" I looked at him with a serious expression, "then trust my instincts."

Tech gave me a semi-desperate look, but continued to watch Omega leave.

"In the meantime," Echo changed the subject, "let's get that boot off!"

***time skip***

"What is the status with the boot?" Tech looked at Echo, "do you want to get caught?"

"Does it look like I'm busy right now?" Echo angrily replied, "it's more complicated than that!"

Tech gave an eye roll, "you don't think I know that...?"

He mumbled quietly under his breath, "of course-..."

I have no idea what he just said, and frankly, I did not want to. He has taken too much $*!t as it is. I carefully touched his shoulder; he turned to me, and gave me an exasperated sigh.

I nodded to him and gave him a look that read, 'you and me both.' I was beginning to worry about Omega, but since Wrecker was with her... I was completely terrified.

"Think she's gotten the codes to them yet?" I looked him in the eyes.

He opened his mouth to reply, but Hunter cut him off, "Omega just got the chain codes to Cut and Sue."

"So you mean to go through with your plan?" Tech nodded slowly.

"Yes," Hunter murmured, "it's better for her."

"Oh h*|| nah," I chuckled, "you gonna change yo mind."

"Really y/n?" Hunter sighed, "you're not making this any easier..."

"Am I really? Or am I just helping you in a way that you don't want to hear." I sneered, Hunter stayed quiet. I continued, "come on, we all know what you really want to do..."

"Is it that obvious?" Hunter asked sincerely.

"Yes," Tech prompted, "very obvious."

I heard a long sigh coming from Hunter's end, "you're right..."

"I am seldom wrong," I closed my eyes, "when it comes to these things at least."

Tech looked relieved that I added the last bit.

"Yeah," I looked at him, "I don't want another barrage of snarky comments from you."

I chuckled, he smiled a little.

"We've got incoming!" Echo blared through comms.

I did not waste time asking what we were under attack from, I raced outside to see the empire's forces coming at us.

"How's the boot?!" I yelled, taking out my Vibroblades.

"Still locked," Echo said annoyingly, "I've just about got it, it will only take a few minutes."

"We don't have a few minutes," I said breathlessly.

Take came out beside me, and took out his blasters. We fought together for a little while before Hunter joined us.

"Glad you could make it," Tech nodded to him.

"What'd I miss?" Hunter swiped at a trooper, "where's Wrecker?"

Right on cue.

"HERE COMES THE WRECKING BALL!!" I shouted as Wrecker charged in.

"GA HA HA," he punched some guys, "I don't need a chain code to meet you this time!"

I laughed wholeheartedly, and kicked a trooper in the nuts, "there's nothing more satisfying..." I gave Hunter a sadistic look.

"Right..." Hunter responded, he was tired of my b^||$*!t, "go help Echo."

I ran to Echo, and easily figured out the boot.

"You forgot to remove the safety," I said jokingly.

"Ha ha ha," he said through clenched teeth, "we've got to go."

"Not yet!" Omega started running towards us, "wait for me!"

Hunter ran to her in an instant; he grabbed her, and ran into the ship. Obviously, I was the last one on the ship; meaning I delayed our takeoff by ten seconds.

"I don't want an earful," I looked at Echo with a scowl, "get out of my seat."

I pushed him out of the copilot seat, and began rapidly pressing buttons. Soon, Tech and I got the ship in the air, and we were away.

"I know I wasn't supposed to come back," Omega looked down, "but I-..."

"Look kid," Hunter touched her shoulder, "I think we are on agreement with what you're about to say..."

"Yeah. Omega?" I gave Hunter a playful shoulder nudge, "you can thank me for that."

Hunter scowled at me, but smiled anyway.

"Another successful mission?" I looked at Wrecker.

"Ha! Like there was any doubt," he broke out in a wide grin.

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