The Story Part 26, Fennec Shand

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I ran inside with the new info from Hunter, and searched the ship's database. Tech followed me in, and typed on his monitor.

"The hunter you found is Fennec Shand," I responded, "she's relatively new to the guild, but that doesn't make her any less deadly."

"Really sweet y/n," Hunter said sarcastically through comms, "thanks."

"Tech, can you see Omega?" Hunter had a more concerned tone this time.

"Yes, she is fine, but I suggest you hurry," Tech said, "she's hanging on a high tower, and can't stay there forever."

"HaNgInG?" Hunter said through clenched teeth.

"Yeah," I responded, "but not for long. Are you going or should I?"

"Y/n, you'll expose us, no! I'll go! Stay out, and get the ship ready!" Hunter growled.

"That's going to be a bit of a problem unless you have an army of droids." Tech surveyed the mostly intact ship.

"I think I can help with that," Echo replied.

"Great," I said once Hunter and Echo stopped listening through comms, "benched again."

"It's not our fault your skill set is just as destructive as Wrecker's," Tech patted my shoulder, "now come help me."

"Thanks Tech," I replied sarcastically, "that makes me feel so much better!"

I followed him angrily to the exposed part of the ship. We began putting the ship together, but it was slow going; that is when Echo arrived. He brought a bunch of droids that provided a great asset for us. With Echo, Wrecker, Tech, the droids, and I we finished the repairs on the ship quickly.

"Wrecker!" Hunter hissed through comms, "I need you to help me find Omega. Y/n, wait on standby."

I mouthed a yes, but said nothing.

"Got it!" Wrecker ran off in a random direction.

I sincerely hoped that was the right direction.

"What do we do in the meantime?" I looked at Tech.

"For now," Tech turned to me, "we get the ship ready for immediate extraction."

We prepared the rest of the ship quickly, and we had it tuned and ready for takeoff.

"That should be everything," I walked up to Tech, "now we wait for our cue"

He nodded to me, and allowed me to take my spot next to him. He had his nose in his data pad right now, and Echo was just talking it his droid buddies.

We waited for some time before Hunter commed us again.
"I hope the ship is ready!" Hunter yelled, "because we're coming back quickly!"

Tech, Echo, and I nodded to each other; we sprinted into the ship, and took our seats. Tech and Echo went to the cockpit, and I took my spot by the door.

We waited, and waited; it seemed like forever.

"We might actually need some extraction," Wrecker groaned through comms, "we're in a bit of a spot."

Tech and Echo had already started the ship, and flew off.

"Y/n," Tech got my attention, "Plan 24."

I nodded, opened the door, and hung upside down on the dock. I gripped the crook of one of the stairs, and prepared to catch. We were soon in range of blaster fire; probably Wrecker. I scanned the area for our missing members, and spotted them both in a firefight with a bounty hunter. No doubt, it was Fennec Shand.

I think she saw us, and started firing at me, but she missed the first few times.

"HURRY UP!" I screamed at Hunter and Wrecker.

Hunter nodded to Wrecker, who carefully grabbed Omega, and lifted her on his shoulders. He got high enough to give her to me, and he carefully passed her to me. I grabbed her, and lifted her into the ship; not getting out of my hanging position.

Wrecker was next, and he was pretty quick; since he was pretty much able to pull himself up. I was more there just in case something went wrong.

Hunter was next, but things did not exactly go as planned. Fennec Shand had enough time to set up a shot, and she shot me in the left shoulder, and skimmed my left hip. I almost screamed, almost, but I did not want to worry anyone.

"Y/n! Get back inside!" Hunter ordered as he clambered on top of things.

"Nope," I responded in a sarcastic fashion, "now without you."

I outstretched my right arm, and retracted my left. He was still too low for me to reach.

"Jump Hunter, JUMP!" I yelled, stretching my arm as far as I could.

He looked from side to side, and leapt towards me. I almost missed him, because he was so short. I ended up having to hang on with one leg just to grab him with one arm.

When I caught him, I immediately lifted him up, and he helped me up. I winced when I tried putting weight on my left leg, but the pain went away pretty quickly.

"You know," I panted and looked at Hunter, "if you weren't so short this wouldn't have happened."

"Shut up y/n!" Hunter scowled at me, "are you alright?"


"Always," I nodded with a smile, "this wound is nothing."

I pointed my finger behind me, and started mouthing, 'you're lucky it isn't worse. Let me see.'

Tech came in at the same time saying, "you're lucky it isn't worse. Let me see."

I almost started laughing, but I kept it in this time. Tech frowned at me when he realized what I did, but took a look at my wound nonetheless.

"It does not look terrible," Tech explained, "but I can still treat it nonetheless."

I did not say anything; Tech took that as a, 'yes,' and he began to treat my wounds for infections.

When he was finished, I turned to him, "thanks."

I walked to my bunk, and just sat there for a while; thankfully, the rest of the bad batch knew that meant I did not feel like talking anymore.

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