The story part 1

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Odd isn't it? How you can completely fail a final exam, but rally a bunch of randos to fight for your planet? My situation was, of course, no exception to this matter. I had successfully been able to rally some other people to fight for Earth, instead of hiding in their stupid bunker. I lifted my blaster uncomfortably, the weight of a standard separatist blaster was higher than expected. Earth was overrun, I was sending people to death, but there was always a small amount of hope for everyone, right? Probably not for me, I'm probably going to have to make some dumb sacrifice to spare them.

These people were not fighters, or Star Wars fans for that matter, and, to be honest, I was a complete Star Wars nerd. The latest episode that had came out for the Clone Wars was Pong Krell's death, enticing right? I decided to watch the films in timeline order instead of in order of publication. That way I could feel what the clones feel, my favorite characters. A blaster shot that flew past my face made me come to my senses. I reeled my head around to see droids coming at us, time to fight again. Much to my surprise, (again), that we fought these separatists back. Although, I knew what came next.

Casually the republic would send bombers first, which means we would need to get out of the area. As if on cue, bombers arrived, destroying legions of droids in their way. Clones and Jedi would be next. I sincerely hoped that I would be picked up by the
republic rather than the separatists, but I don't think that's how this is going to work. We fought a war on two fronts, one from behind and one from above. The republic would take care of the above part, but we needed to fight the behind, that's what our next target is.

"Let's finish this and show the separatists that Earth will not go down easy!" I screamed, leading my makeshift troops into battle.

Battle cries responded and once again I was stuck wondering, who would ever follow me into battle? I'm your, average but not really, twenty three-year-old citizen wearing a short sleeve shirt and shorts and armed with a separatist blaster. The battle raged on with me in the lead, the only one who looked like they knew what they were doing. I had studied this before, the art of surviving an apocalypse, but it was getting old now. Worst of all, we had already been surrounded, not completely in a circle with nowhere to go, but on all sides enemies closed in. I had been watching them for sometime now, they had been growing closer.

I frowned and stopped moving as the separatist droids came in and surrounded us. For real this time, their commander, a droid with yellow paint on it, came up to me.

"Hmph, commander to commander I see." I grumbled to the droid and folded my arms.

"I have strict orders to bring you with me and no one else." The droid sounded, its mechanical voice brining my annoyance.

"Fine, it's not like I have anything better to do..." I mumbled again, thinking about the people who decided to follow me. "You're not going to harm them are you?"

"No, I have strict orders to simply bring you with me." The droid responded, pushing a blaster against my back.

Great, just great, there was nothing worse than limited information right now. I wanted to know where I was being lead, but at the same time I didn't. If this was truly a separatist coo, then I had no need to wonder. Surprisingly, the droid lead me away from the battlefield and towards a rather large forest. It lead me to a boy with short, curly chocolate colored hair. He wore a brilliant white lab coat, and had subbed gloves on. He wore brown wingtip shoes and he was definitely my age; mid-twenties. He looked extremely stupid, really, out of place, especially on the battlefield.

"Hello there." I gave an unamused frown and lifted my chin slightly.

"Hello subject, you're going to be my experiment." He responded in a velvety, smooth tone.

"So what else is new mad scientist?" I responded, arching one eyebrow.

"My name is Vial, not "mad scientist". He responded defiantly, crossing his arms.

He was shorter than me, it was kind of funny.

"Okay, Vial, let's hurry up and get this over with." I rolled my eyes, I was not in the mood for this right now.

"When I'm through with you, you're going to wish you were never born!" He growled at me, edging closer to handcuff me.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, let's just go already." I responded hurriedly, pushing into his ship.

Heh, bold of him to assume I wish I was born already...

I admit, I was overconfident in the fact that I thought he couldn't break me. I was only slightly wrong.

Vial took me to his home planet, which actually turned out to be a moon with high gravity, but no atmosphere. He instructed me to wear a special bracelet to walk on the moon properly and a mask to breathe with. He later assured me that his home was airtight and was out here for a reason. He told me that ever since his mother left them, he had been obsessed with science and he worked with his father, up until a point. Vial's father was a real d!*k and a drunk, he was... Well... A very interesting person, as he didn't approve of swear words but he constantly gave me "the finger".

I felt kind of bad for Vial, but he was also my kidnapper so... Sure I was able to be empathetic, but I don't want to seem like the soft and mushy female in all the movies. Sucks for Vial. Unsurprisingly, Vial did nothing with me for a long time, it must have been at least a week. (It felt so much longer than a week.) before he finally snapped, he got into the loudest argument with his father and decided to take his anger out on me. He decided to endure a serum he had been working in and turned me into a war machine. I became a shapeshifter and a sorceress. I could do magic and transform into a... highly unusual creature.

A winged, half wolf, half shark thing, it was fairly cool looking. But the worst thing of all is what he made me do.

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