The Story Part 3

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The morning of the battle was upon us, the separatists were in position on the republic was en route to planet Zeerst. This battle would end quickly if I left and Secle was defeated. Secle and I were the two strongest and most strategic of the four of us. However, we rarely ever spoke with each other. I had no need to, the tide was in my favor and pretty soon I would be in the republics hands. I would be equally happy to die or serve the clones of the republic. (Mind you I was excited to serve clones so...) Though, this was not the time to think of that, right now I needed to focus on the task at hand.

It would not be easy to get away from Secle, let alone all three of them, but I knew what I had to do. Unlike other times, inc I set my mind to something I got it done. One way or another, if that means k!ll!ng Secle then so be it. Decrease the amount of separatists. The republic swooped in suddenly, making the battle rush ahead an hour early. My guess is that Anakin is here too, not that it would be a surprise. Although my chance of joining the republic decreased. The battle was upon us, we were placed on the front lines and were to lead separatists into battle. Naturally, Secle took the lead, they were the best leader out of all of us .

"Shark, flank 'em, go around the back and charge!" Secle ordered, I raced to the back, hoping to get a Jedi's attention.

(My code name is Shark, rather cool right?)

Luckily I saw a green light saber flashing on the battlefield, although it disappeared and reappeared as if the holder came and went out of view. I knew that kind of fighting anywhere, Master Yoda. I frowned in his direction as the droids that were following me launched themselves at the clones. I sighed when I saw the flank succeed, Master Yoda should have foreseen this.

Then, Master Yoda turned suddenly and leapt foreword revealing himself. "Fight exactly like a separatist, you do, yet feel like one, you do not."

I cringed at the fact that I had fought like a separatist, I looked around carefully, "I'm no separatist." I whispered.

"That, remains to be seen, yes, remains to be seen. Prove yourself a republican you must. Already sense something different in you, I do." Master Yoda responded.

"I do not believe your optimism is misplaced, I surrender, the separatists will retreat." I responded, shrugging.

"I don't think so, your optimism is misplaced Shark." A voice I knew all too well sounded. Secle had arrived. "I knew something was up with you, with you not killing any clones."

"At least you're smart..." I drew my Vibroblades, I turned them into two katanas.

"What the..?!" Secle cried, taking a step backwards.

"I'm going to run you through, surrender Secle." I growled.

"Never!" Secle responded gallantly, they charged at me, brandishing their pistols.

"So are you a he or a she?" I called, waiting for my moment to strike, I held my blades steady.

"I'm your death!" Secle cried back, firing at me.

Secle was not accurate enough, the shots passed in either side of my face, "no, but what's in your pants?"

The tips of my ears bled a little.

"Ima gonna kill you Shark!" Secle roared, charging forward faster.

"Not exactly the answer I was going for..." I grumbled, I tightened my grip, tensed, then swiped in an x-shaped motion in front of me.

Secle dropped to the ground, dead as a door nail.

"Hmph, now the separatists will retreat." I smirked and turned back to Master Yoda who put his lightsaber down.

"Fight overconfidently you do. Patience you must gain, or be swallowed up by death, you will." Master Yoda pointed out, motioning for me to head towards the republic ships.

"Cool beans, alright I'll try exercising my patience once again." I nodded, "seeing as I don't want to die right this second."

"Agree with you, I do." Master Yoda continued, "already sense a change in you, I do."

"That's good news." I responded, stepping into a republic ship.

"Uh, who's she? A war criminal?" Cody asked, Obi Wan was frowning at me from behind.

"With me, she is, something interesting, I found." Master Yoda responded.

"Okay, I deserve that..." I scratched the back of my head and smiled sheepishly. "Still, you will find that this will be an absolute republic win!"

Obi Wan folded his arms and said nothing, Cody walked into the ship next to me and we took off. I caught studying glances from Obi Wan as he attempted to figure me out.The ride was not long, and even still, Master Yoda had enough time to decide whether I was a threat of not.

"A threat, I do not think you are, conflicted, yes, but not a threat." Master Yoda turned to me once the ship landed, we stepped out and into the Jedi temple.

I sighed in relief, that was a good sign.

"Still, tell the other Jedi of your presence, I will, wait with Obi Wan, you shall." Master Yoda concluded and walked away.

I was not planing to go anywhere anyway, I was too excited to disobey orders. "When in the Clone War are we?"

Obi Wan turned to me curiously. "We just executed a false Jedi General Pong Krell."

He paused to see my reaction, I eagerly gave it.

"Pong Krell? I hate him! He's the worst, especially in the way he treats clones!" I yelled back, facepalming immediately after.

Obi Wan seemed to find it amusing, "you sound a little like Anakin." He chuckled, looking at me with newfound interest.

"Oh? I'll try not to disappoint then, but you have questions for me. Right?" I smiled when I saw his reaction.

"I do, I want to ask a few questions." He rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

"Ask away!" I encouraged.

"Where do you come from?" He asked, of course that had to be his first questions.

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