The Story Part 7

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We sped off in a direction, we were issued an order to return and our ship was waiting. We took a very narrow, rocky shortcut back to the ship. So rocky, that the rocks grazed the vehicle.

One particular bump almost sent me flying, "woah! Are you sure you know how to drive this thing?"

"I said how hard could it be." Crosshair responded, Hunter seemed unimpressed.

Another, much harder bump left me hanging onto the edge of the ship.

"A little help?" I rolled my eyes, lifting my legs so the rocks just barely skimmed them.

"Ah." Crosshair adjusted the vehicle and hit another bump, sending me into the ship, but straight into Tech.

"Ugh, that's not what I had in mind..." I groaned, thinking about my surroundings quickly.

"Remove yourself." Tech winced, trying to stand.

He ended up knocking heads with me instead.

"Aaah..." I placed my hand on my forehead and instantly recoiled.

"Are you always this clumsy?" Tech asked, brushing off his armor.

"Sorry about her." Rex said quickly.

I winced again, "at least you had a helmet on, geez..."

I could've sworn he smirked, I swear.

***time skip***

We successfully got back to base and I, for one, saw this as an absolute win.

"Y/n, come here." Rex ushered quietly.

Tech nudged Hunter and nodded in our direction, they paused, resumed what they were doing, and watched us.

"Y/n that behavior is unacceptable." Rex began.

I snorted, "that's how I always am."

"Y/n, this is serious, Echo is alive and we're going to get him back. I need you focused." Rex ordered.

"Rex you of all people should know I'm focused." I smoothed my loose curls.

"Well, it's not enough!" He blared and walked away.

"Not enough?" I pondered, "NoT eNoUgH?!" I gritted my teeth. "WhAt ThE aCtUaL kRiFf?" I practically screamed.

"Y/n!" I heard Anakin's voice. I threw my dagger off into the distance, heard a loud clatter, and summoned it back.

I chuckled, "yes General?"

"Rex is right y/n, this is no laughing matter." Anakin began calmly, but it quickly escalated, "SO GET YOURSELF TOGETHER. Plus we have to do the thing."

I shrugged, "that went from zero to a hundred, to zero again in... ten seconds, and no, this time you're on your own." I walked away.

I saw Tech and Hunter exchange glances, I knew what they wanted.

"Just give me five minutes, I'll meet you at your ship." I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose.

I walked off to my barracks, and sat on my bed. I cupped my hands over my face, d@mn this was unbearable. I pulled out my phone and started looking at some pictures, most of these were pictures of old artwork. I was so engrossed that I didn't notice Hunter coming in.

"Ugh, what am I doing wrong? Is being myself the thing I'm doing wrong?" I said aloud, "well $*!t then." I mumbled the last part under my breath.

"I don't think you're doing anything wrong." Hunter mused, walking up next to me.

I jumped onto the floor, "really? Don't sneak—... In all fairness I probably would've done the thing." I smiled and stroked my chin. "Who am I being ordered by now?"

"No one, I came to ask you if you want to come our ship before the mission." Hunter responded with a small smile.

"You're, asking me, if I would come with you?" I said slowly, "I don't see- wait... Okay, I'm not going to spoil this. I've never been asked to go places, just ordered." I explained quickly.

Hunter nodded and motioned for me to follow him, I fell in behind him. I am half an inch taller than him, it was hysterical. We walked to the Marauder, where the others were waiting for us. Everybody was standing idly leaning against the ship.

I found an unoccupied spot by the entrance and pressed myself against the cold metal.

"Okay, you may ask your questions." I smiled and waited.

Tech was first to speak, he probably was itching to ask this, "how were you able to heal my injury like you did?"

"It's kind of complicated, but I'll start from the beginning. Never mind, there's too much I'll get right to the point. I come from a newly taken over separatist planet. It was so easy to take over that the separatists could take over the planet in just two short weeks. Because we didn't have the advanced technology the republic has. I was soon captured after being found fighting against the separatists. I was traveling with a force of other people who were willing to fight against the separatists. We did push the separatists back a few times with my knowledge of republic strategy. However, we were few in number and without reinforcements. It didn't last that long."

I paused to take a breath, and waited for them to say something.

When they did not say anything I continued, "I was captured by a unique separatist... A boy really, but a man named Vial. He was a "mad scientist" if you know what I mean. He liked experimenting on things, and while the notion of genetic modification was already clearly discovered, he used it in a way you wouldn't really expect."

"I believe I can see where this is going." Tech gave me a funny look.

He was not angered, or anything like that, but I could not figure that look out.

"Can you really?" I smirked, folding my arms, balancing on one leg, and leaning against the ship further.

He raised his eyebrows and frowned.

I smiled, "if, you are Tech, then I guess you can see where this is going. However, if everyone else is Wrecker who is giving me the weirdest expression, then I will continue to explain.  Vial did nothing with me at first, but when his father's drunk and abusive condition got worse, he took his anger out on me." I rolled my eyes.

"How?" Hunter asked, suddenly intrigued.

(Y/n) and the Bad BatchWhere stories live. Discover now