The Story Part 14, Kaller Continued

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We made our way to the ship quickly and quietly; it was the only way to get there. We constantly avoided patrols, and watches until we were just about there.

"Wait!" I pulled Tech into the tree line.

He gave me a slightly startled expression, "what is it?"

"Where are we going?!" Alarm crept into my voice.

He seemed to get at what I meant, and he gave me a concerned look, "Kamino; that's the only place there will be answers."

I looked down, "then I'm going to need something more discreet to wear, or you're going to have to leave me somewhere."

"We aren't going to leave you behind," he said immediately, "we can get you some standard clone armor to wear."

I gave him a thankful glance, "okay, but only one; we don't need anything unnecessary."

He nodded, and we quickly made a plan; well, we did not openly express our plan, but I knew what he was doing. I waited in the tree line, and Tech went up to a reg, and started to talk to him. I did not pay attention to what they were saying, but he got the reg to come to the tree line. I pounced on him, knocked him unconscious, and pulled his armor on.

"Sorry." I whispered, and started to run towards the ship.

Tech followed behind me.

I jumped inside the ship, and slammed into the other wall. It did not hurt, but I was stuck there just laughing. Tech walked in and rolled his eyes; he turned his gaze to see Hunter, Wrecker, Crosshair, and Echo were already here.

"I was going to ask why you were coming in with a reg," Hunter started, and glanced at me, "but I don't think I need to."

I removed my helmet as Tech moved to the cockpit; he started the launch sequence. My smile faded, and I walked next to him, and sat in the co-pilot seat. He turned to me for a quick second, and looked away. He probably wanted to say something, but he did not.

We took off quickly, and headed for Kamino. Recently, I have not really been eating much, or talking as much; so I was just staring out the window. My mind flashed back to the moment where the clones killed Master Bilaba... those shots, and Caleb's face... I could not take them out of my head. Then, my mind flashed to clone force 99, they did not start acting weird like the others, but what if they did? What if they will? I sighed, I can only hope that whatever happened to the other clones does not happen to them.

I shuddered.

"Are you alright y/n?" Hunter came over to me.

I gave him a defeated glance, "I know I can trust you, but... whatever happened back there... I..."

"None of us are fully certain on what's going on; with the other regs and all, but we are going to find out." Tech chimed in.

"Yeah," Hunter touched my shoulder, "you don't have to worry about us hurting you."

I know I sounded like a child, "ever?"

"Yeah kid." Hunter smiled at me.

I was going to object to Hunter that I am twenty three, but I accepted 'Kid' to be my nickname at this point. I turned my attention back to the ship controls; we were going to exit hyperspace soon.

"It's good to be back," Wrecker walked into the cockpit, "how long's it been?"

"One hundred and eighty rotations in a standard cycle, but galactic zone changes would put the adjusted figure around two hundred five." Tech pointed his index finger in the air.

"What?" Wrecker seemed lost.

Echo and I sighed, "a long time," we said.

We exchanged a small smile, and he stood behind me. Tech and I pulled the ship out of hyperspace as we neared Kamino, and we readied to transmit our clearance codes.

As we entered the atmosphere, clones greeted us, "clearance codes?"

Tech imputed them quickly.

"You are clear for landing." The clones flew away from our ship.

We landed quickly, and we were about to exit, but I almost forgot something.

"Oh $*!t!" I ran to put my clone armor on, "this is going to be one interesting stay on Kamino. I've never seen your barracks before."

I walked alongside Hunter as we exited the ship.

"Y/n," he hissed under his breath, "can you change your voice so it sounds like a clone's?"

I nodded, used a little bit of magic, and focused on making my voice sound like a clone's. As we approached other clones, I began to feel very out of place wearing this shiny white armor. I mean, compared to the bad batch's armor I stick out a lot.

We were greeted by a clone commander, and we exchanged simple talk that I was not paying much attention to. That is, until I came up.

"Who's this?" He pointed to me.

I folded my arms; I had not thought of a fake name for me.

"His shuttle was destroyed by y/n when we were terminating her. We are just giving him transport back to Kamino." Tech explained quickly.

I exhaled quietly, thank god for Tech's mind.

"I see, there's an assembly at o-two-hundred hours, so be there." The clone commander informed us, and let us go.

We walked to their barracks quickly; as to avoid other unnecessary questions, and encounters.

"It's not just the regs on Kaller; all of the regs are acting strange." Hunter murmured.

"Let's test that theory," Tech stepped out of our line slightly.

I could already tell where this was going.

"Excuse me, trooper, what division are you from?" He asked a nearby guard.

"Step aside," he slammed his shoulder into him.

"Ah," Tech frowned, "they seem the same to me."

I started laughing quietly.

"Not funny." Tech frowned at me.

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