The Story Part 16, Kaller Continued

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Omega did not like that; she got up on the table and threw a burrito at the clone.

"WHO threw that?!" The clone turned around.

"I did," Omega hefted another burrito, "now apologize to my friends!"

"I like this kid!" Wrecker smacked the table.

I stood protectively in front of Omega; she was short even on the table.

"What did you say to me?" The clone demanded, walking up to her.

"Woah, woah, woah," Hunter stepped in front of him, "I suggest you keep moving."

Wrecker stood up to be supportive for Hunter.

The clone frowned and turned, "know your place lab scrapper."

This time, a whole tray came flying from our end. He turned around sharply to see Wrecker hefting more trays.

"Oops," he smiled sinisterly.

"That's it!" A bunch of regs got up.

"Oh yeah!!!" Wrecker threw another tray, and jumped on top of a bunch of regs.

Echo face palmed before joking the fight, Hunter got up immediately, Tech did too, but Crosshair stayed sitting. Omega threw burrito after burrito. I threw man after man; in order to keep them from getting to her. It was a fun fight, but it was all fun and games until Echo got slammed in the head with a tray.

I broke up the fight, "EvErYoNe ShUt ThE kRiFf Up FoR a BlIvInG mInUtE!"

I shouldered Echo, and started moving to the medbay; the rest of the bad batch, including Omega, followed me. I heard the chaos resume behind us.

"Hey," Hunter said breathlessly, "you didn't swear, good job"

"Shut up," I groaned at him.

We set him down on the table, and Omega started to go to work on him. Tech, and I quote unquote, 'supervised,' but really we were just making sure Echo's okay. It did not take long for the stubborn clone to recover.

He opened his eyes slowly, and blinked awake, "huh-wha..?"

Then, his eyes lit up with fear, "NO! Get them off! GET THEM OFF!"

He pushed a robot arm out of the way, and sat upright; covering his face with his hand. I

ran over to him, and massaged his shoulder, "okay, okay..."

Of all the bad batch members, I knew PTSD when I saw it.

"Echo, Echo! It's okay! It's me, Omega!" Omega gestures to herself.

Echo's breathing settled down, and he put his hand down. Then, a medical droid came in.

"Greetings," it said, "my name is AZI-345211896246498721347."

I stared blankly at the medical droid, "yeah, I'm just going to call you AZI."

"Regardless," AZI continued, "CT-1409's condition is stable, but I have some rather disturbing news for the rest of you. You all appeared to be genetically defective clones. And you," he turned to me, "I don't have any genetic information for you."

I shrugged, "you don't need, and you don't want it, and you ain't getting it."

AZI seemed disappointed, but he said, "I will leave you all with this revelation."

"We have a problem," Echo began.

"Not really," Tech interrupted, "we're more deviant than we are defective."

"Not that; admiral Tarkin's here." Echo frowned.

"Tarkin? Here?" Fear came into my voice.

"We have to report to-..." Hunter began, but Wrecker said, "yeah, we got in some trouble; guess he didn't find the mess hall fight amusing. HA, but I sure did!"

"We have to go now," Hunter ordered.

Echo swung his legs over the table, and fell in behind them. I fell in behind Echo, and Omega came behind me.

I turned around, "heading in the same direction?"

"The fight was my fault! I'm going too!" She insisted.

"Not happening!" Hunter responded.

"We'll handle this." I winked, but I know she could not see that.

"But I," Omega began, but Hunter interrupted, "listen kid, our squad is nothing but trouble; for your sake, keep your distance."

He, and the rest of the squad continued without looking back. Not me, I turned around; only to see sadness in her eyes. I felt guilt flush through me, but I had no choice to follow. I frowned, but I did not expect Tech to be, regardless of him being on his datapad, waiting for me. I felt genuinely touched, and I ran up to him. He gave me a small smirk, and we rushed to Hunter together.

Once we met them in the hallway waiting for us; we began walking together. I saw in Tech's face the autism shining through. This change is very sudden, so I should expect some seemingly unfeeling feelings from him.

We did not speak until we ran into a captain, "where are you going? The training facility is that way!"

"Tarkin wanted to see us in his office," Hunter motioned to the direction we were going.

"No, you've been selected to do a battle simulation," the captain responded.

"Then we're not being reprimanded?" Tech asked.

"No, you're being tested, get to that facility," the Captain led the way.

As we neared the entrance to the facility; the commander stopped me, "not you; you follow me."

I shrugged to the group, and followed the Captain. He lead me to a room that oversees the simulator.

"Hello," Tarkin sneered, "and you are...?"

I thought up a random name, and changed my voice, "Shackle."

"Well, Shackle, I see you are traveling with Clone Force 99." He smiled, waving a command to begin the simulator.

I did not bother to watch; I have watched way too many of these.

"It's a temporary position; until, my legion gets back from its mission. I was believed to be dead, but obviously I'm not dead." I lied quickly, I have got to be careful with my words here.

"Hmm... I see, and how were you believed to be dead?" He asked again.

"I came in contact with Y/n, and you know how dangerous she is. So, most people believed me dead, but clone force 99 showed up; and we shot her." I looked down slightly.

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