The Story Part 4

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"I-I, come from a newly separatist planet called Earth..." I stuttered, "I was kidnapped by... By a scientist who worked for a separatist battle commander. He sent me to work for them after I was uncooperative with his motives..."

I did not feel like explaining everything right away, but I could not seem suspicious to the republic now.

"I see, but they.. I assume he experimented on you?" Obi Wan said, still thoughtfully stroking his beard.

My not responded right away must have given it away.

"I see... What did he do?" Obi Wan continued, looking up at me.

(I was, after all, five eleven and a half.)

"That's true, I am no longer a normal human... I-it's hard to explain." I returned, rubbing the back of my head.

"That hardly answers my questions, what can you do? What will or what do you do?" Obi Wan pressed.

"I-I can heal things for one thing. I can make fire, increase my speed, and jumping length and height..." I explained, this was going horribly.

Obi Wan waited for me to continue, "sort of like the force?"

"Yeah, a bit... I can create telepathic links occasionally, it's not perfect... I can shape-shift and I can shift my weapons into different weapons." I concluded, I decided to conclude because I could end up talking about things for hours once I got going.

"Can you elaborate on changing your weapons?" He asked further.

I demonstrated how I can change my weapons into my five favorites, two daggers, a halberd, a bow and arrow, a katana, and a great sword. I further explained that I wanted to perfect turning my weapons into a shield.

"Can you elaborate on your shape-shifting ability?" Obi Wan smiled, he was clearly impressed.

I hesitated, and reluctantly transformed, I knew Obi Wan was checking me; to trust my loyalty.

"Amazing..." Obi Wan whispered, admiring my second form.

I untransformed, "what do you mean?" I asked him, thinking deeply about how this could be incredible.

"I mean it's amazing..." Obi Wan continued, not caring that his answer was misleading.

Obi Wan and I began to talk like old friends about the war and the Jedi order. Until Master Yoda came back and told me that the other Jedi would see me now. I politely asked Obi Wan if he could come if he wasn't going to be there already. He nodded and accompanied me to the other Jedi. Master Windu, Yoda, Plo Koon, Shaak Ti, and Depa Billaba,were all present. Anakin and Ashoka were not, many other members also appeared to be away. I explained things the way I explained to Obi Wan, even though they did not ask about my ability to turn my weapons or shape-shifting. They simply assigned me to switch between three legions.

The 212th, 501st, and 104th legions. However, I was to spend most of my time with the 501st and Anakin. That was favorable above other legions. My assignment was immediate, once I got to know Anakin, without explaining or delving on the topics of magic and shapeshifters at all, we became fast friends. Rex, Tup, Fives and I were no different.

For some reason I felt a certain emptiness, like I hadn't met someone I should have, I suspected it was Echo, but I had no idea. I fought with the 501st like we were brothers, we did everything together.

I underwent special training to let go of separatist tactics, if any, and embrace the republic tactile. I studied extensively, I knew pretty much anything about everything, but training can only get you so far. We went on many missions together, and I transferred between legions easily. Cody and I became friends quickly when I shared practicality with him. Wolffe and I became friends with my more silent disposition and little sarcastic/sassy things. Rex and I remained friends for many reasons, I suspected one was very prominent.

I remained friends with everyone through dad jokes, and shower thoughts. I was very "annoying" to everyone, but I knew they liked it. That's how everyone knew me, but my closer people knew me better for my love of clones. I had always thought that clones would only ever be my friends in my imagination, but they were my friends in real life now, my life was complete. It was perfect, too perfect.

Frankly, I never focused on the fact that I could loose it all some day, I only cared that I had it now. Although, I became more and more aware of our dire situation as the war continued on.

Rouge clones scared me, but nothing scared me more than what Fives and Tup were doing. I wasn't there to believe him, but I took his information into account most dearly with a promise. Because if it was true then everyone was at risk of death from the separatists, or something worse; the Sith.

My training, knowledge and fellow clones did not prepare me for clone force 99, otherwise known as, The Bad Batch. They did things so differently than everyone else and they had an a hundred percent success rate.

I had never met them and I had only found out about them through little bits of information. Once I found out I wished I found out sooner, these clones were more like me than any other clone. I was even less prepared to find out that I was to be paired with them on a special mission. We were currently on Anaxes and we were loosing. The separatists had a new algorithm that could predict our movements.

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