Clone Force 99

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Apparently, Clone force 99 was to join us on our mission. Rex, Cody, myself and Jesse were to accompany Force 99 to help a republic victory. I, for one, was extremely excited. I was excited to meet these new clones, but I was also afraid; what would Rex think of my new friends? At least, I hope they'll be my new friends, if we grow close enough, maybe I can tell them... Nope, impossible, the bond will never be enough. It has not been enough so far, and it probably won't be this time. So I'm just gonna kr!ff it and move foreword.

I waited anxiously the whole time, not a very good thing to have while fighting droids.
Finally, the time had arrived when we would meet the Bad Batch. Cody and Rex were in the barracks, I waited outside, leaning against a wall. They were late of course. Cody and Rex came out of the barracks and started walking to the landing strip, they appeared to be waiting too. I fell in behind them and remained silent.

"You're awfully quiet y/n, you alright?" Rex asked, giving me a concerned face.

"I'm fine, what are you guys talking about?" I responded, folding my arms.

They knew better than to argue with me, I was fairly stubborn these days, "alright, we're talking about The Bad Batch." Cody responded with a small smile.

"What about them?" I responded slowly.

"Well, we've only heard stories about them, but they supposedly have a hundred percent success rate. They don't report to a general either." Cody continued.

I rubbed my chin thoughtfully. "Yes, and they're a group of genetically enhanced clones."

"Ninety nine eh? Nice touch." Rex responded, but he was cut off from his next sentence when the alarms blared.

A shuttle was coming in extremely fast, my guess was it was the bad batch. They must have a skilled pilot to not crash like this.
They landed fairly quickly, knocking stuff over in the process. Next, they strode out of the ship as if this was completely normal, I was boiling in excitement. There were four members of their squad. They walked over to us. The first one, presumably the leader, took off his helmet and apologized for being late. He had a smokey tone of voice, I liked it, I would definitely fallow him.

It took me a few minutes to realize he had turned to me next, "I don't believe we've met, I don't think I've heard of you."

His squad formed a tight group behind him.

I smiled, "It's a pleasure to meet you, my name is y/n. And, you are?"

"My name is Hunter, this is Wrecker, Tech, and Crosshair." Hunter nodded.

"Good to serve underneath more Sargents." I smiled, twirling one of knives in my hand.

"Y/n here has the skills of a general, possibly higher, but remains below captain or any position of power." Rex explained.

"You flatter me, but I don't need power to fight." I shrugged, "if something doesn't work out I make it work out."

"Something tells me that we'll see more eye to eye than we think." Hunter responded, "anyway sorry for being late, we were well... dealing with another mission when you commed us.

"Yeah, have you ever fought a yalbec? Wrecker smiled wildly. "The only way to kill one is with one of these." He held up a Vibroblade.

"I can't say I've fought a Yalbec..." Jesse came up behind us.

"You're lucky!" Wrecker laughed.

"Yeah, Wrecker here cut the stinger of the queen Yalbec while she was still alive, that's why all the male Yalbecs attacked us." Hunter shoved Wrecker's shoulder playfully.

"Sounds more like they were trying to mate with you!" I laughed.

"Technically-..." Tech spoke up and pushed Wrecker aside, it seems he was not expecting me to know that.

"Sorry, I enjoy studying these things." I smirked and shrugged.

"Well, then I'll have you know the stinger of a female Yalbec is a delicacy on some planets." Tech responded, shaking off my words.

"Hmm, interesting. Unfortunately we don't really have time to explain these pleasantries. I suggest we continue on our way." I moved into a different ship, "we'll brief you in here."

"Y/n sounds an awful lot like you." Hunter explained, walking with Tech over to the shuttle, "she likes studying everything."

"Explaining me are we?" I teased.

"You sound like Tech." Hunter responded, shoving Tech's shoulder playfully.

Tech gave a small smile back, but didn't say anything.

"Hey guys!" I perked up as Rex finished briefing the mission, "why do ten plus ten, and eleven plus eleven equal the same thing?"

"Not now y/n..." Rex grumbled in my direction, he gave me a don't embarrass me look.

"Fine." I laughed in response, turning my attention back to my phone, "but it's because ten plus ten equals twenty, and eleven plus eleven equals twenty two!"

I received groans from every member on the ship; one interaction I enjoyed very much was Tech because he thought I was actually serious.

We rode in silence until Jesse decided to ask Crosshair a question, "what are you lookin' at?"

"We don't usually fly with Regs." He responded, taking his toothpick out.

One thing I want to know is where people like Cad Bane and Crosshair keep all their toothpicks.

"What did you just say to me?" Jesse demanded.

"Jesse..." I stepped in front of him, and Hunter for that matter.

"He's talking about, regular clones." Hunter responded behind me, making me jump back slightly.

Jesse gave a frown, but said nothing, stepping back into his place. I frowned and pulled out my knife and twirled it around, this helped me think. Somehow, I thought this mission was going to be a lot more complicated than we thought.

Suddenly, there was a loud boom and ship shook violently.

"Ugh, we always crash when we fly with regs." Wrecker groaned loudly.

"Yeah, well, I always crash so..." I responded, steadying myself as I braced for impact.

It came relatively slowly for some of the crashes that I've been through; and smoother than some landings that I've been in. We were crashing deep into enemy territory, and in the middle of an important mission nonetheless.

"We're going down! Hahah!" Wrecker practically screamed.

"I fail to find the fun in this." I responded breathlessly, but I began laughing anyway.

(Y/n) and the Bad BatchWhere stories live. Discover now